I shall qualify that, hell, why the hell not? There was a family of JWs in the south. They collected animals and filth. They were the two parents and the two children, old enough to help they were.
They all had the excuse they were mental.
But how hard is it to pick up shit off the floor?
Disgusting means to make ill, I might be wrong about that.
There was a sister who ..... she arranged a cleaning crew. One of the crew was me.
There were roaches in the broad day light. Not the fun kind of big roaches that the south has. These were the small kind that carry disease. I don't remember much about the day, but the sister who arranged the cleaning day (for to bring more glory to Jehovah) came down with some kind of sickness soon after, that landed her in the hospital. I did not say or hear that is was the filth that landed her there, but I have my suspicions....