I think the GB punishes what it understands. Only.
Self-hating leaders are the worst tyrants of all.
by Terry 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think the GB punishes what it understands. Only.
Self-hating leaders are the worst tyrants of all.
Their ignoring some sins and punishing other sins just goes to prove they chose to do whatever they think is best for their will be done, not for God's will be done.
Terry: Gluttony, if they came down hard on that one,
many would be DF. That,s the only pleasure some JW,s
have left. I was in A congregation where 50% was over
weight. The sisters in that congregation knew where all
the best eating places were. They knew their food.
The trouble with judging gluttony is some people are obsese, but not because of gluttony. And some people practice gluttony but are not over weight much.
Eating disorders are complex. I can't believe a brain disorder is a sin. The WT can.
There is a double standard. Overeating is as serious as alcohol or drug abuse. Good point.
The last PO at the Hall I was attending was an over weight 350 lb. slob who wore thousand dollar silks suits and always drove brand new
Cadillacs. He Dfed people for smoking, boozing and the occasional drugs, certainly no one for gluttony.
I have heard of people being DF'ed for gambling which is considered "greedy" in the Watchtower world.
Terry, being a drunk, is no longer unfashionable now, we have elders get together for "wine tasting matches" drink a case, get drunk and eat like pigs getting fatten up for the slaughter. (five or six elders with elderettes listening in.). Discuss and gossip about judicial matters from all over the circuit share talk about sex acts they got to hear about. These brother know the intimate details of sins of everyone, could they have a message board, where they post the acts of the sinners, so all elders can see, circuit wide?
How many 300lb elders have you seen who will bash those who work out and have tone bodies? The fat slobs will hound those who work out, with snobish remarks. Eating disorders are common in the Org, and not frowned upon. There are new stats that say, over fifty percent in the upper mid-west are obese, so how many DFs would this create? The cold Mid West States are not easy to live in, depressing and food does release those drug like chemicals in the brain, only to produce guilt. If the GB went on the war path on Gluttoney, we would lose fifty percent of the Flock!
With those power scooters, I do see how they can be blessed by being overweight. Inability to work, would be able to produce more field service. The problem is most householders might judge them as "If they are this screwed up, what are they going to offer me? Look at the sorry shape these clowns are in now!" People are mean and we both know, first impressions can mean the difference between taking a magazine and tell someone to "beat it!".
In the Congo I grew up in, and left in 1970, there was a sister who was effing HUGE, she used to leave the mid-week evening meeting as the "Amen"still rang in the air to go get her humongous portion of fish and chips, if a car blocked her in, she was prepared to knock it out of the way!
She got bigger still, got diabetes, had bits amputated etc.
She is still, I can't say in good standing, she had a foot off !, but she is still a "sister". I do think she had an eating disorder that was never treated, but I don't think the Elders or mature sisters ever tried to help.
They just love an easy DFing, caught with your trousers down ? you're DF'd sonny! don't believe it's God's Org? You're DF'd sonny.
If it gets a bit complicated, like they might have to allow for the fact you are mentally unstable, and then they might actually have to give you some active help, they don't want to know.