Yes, it isn't the SIN that bothers the elite Governing Body or the elder stooges who enforce police work in the Kingdom Hall. It is something else entirely.
Otherwise, ALL sins would be equally bad and equally enforced.
The sins which the ruling elite are most guilty of threaten their own grasp on a tenuous mental fiction about themselves. They lash out in all directions to wipe out the proof they are only weak, sinful, impotent humans.
I'll give a context to this by comparing the Arab view of Judaism with Israel in modern times.
Arab Muslims absolutely believe Allah is the only true God who blesses them above all others for their own piety.
Yet, Modern Israel has established a structure in which a democratic government thrives, an educational system flourishes, men and women pursue equality with equal vigor and opportunity rewards those who work hard to achieve.
The vast gulf between the BELIEF of Arab Muslims and the REALITY of Israel as a nation COMPARED TO THE FECKLESS condition of Arab society serves as an unacceptable DISPROOF!
So, the Arabs, instead of improving their own lives, lash out and hate and foment destruction of the PROOF which threatens their own self-image.
So, too with JWs.