Physical and psychological, along with severe medical neglect.
I would like to add that the above were at the hands of jws. However, my 1 jw parent required me to endure severe bullying and physical abuse by others as well, quoting the scripture about 'turning the other cheek' and saying jehoopla would murder me if I did anything to defend myself.
To this day she claims what I experienced was normal kid stuff.
I was just talking about some bullying stuff w/my non-jw husband. I asked him what bullying he had to endure. He could only think of 1 instance in his life when, as a young adult, some guys teased him and he kicked their a$$es (which is not really bullying at all).
Despite all the people I have counseled and all the education I have, I had not realized there were actually people who had not personally experienced at least some degree of bullying and physical abuse. That tells you how terribly skewed my view of it has been, I guess.
Can you imagine how wonderful it must be to have never experienced that? I am having a hard time imagining it.