I know elders that would throw in the towel in a second if it weren't for their wives enjoying being elderettes!
Why Women Are Treated Second Class In This Organization?
by AvocadoJake 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Band on the Run
If women did not line up to be slaughtered by the Society, the views of Brooklyn could not hold sway. Bible scholarship does not back the patriarchal view. To be certain, there were Roman and Jewish legal statuses for women. I read Paul Crossan's book concerning Paul and the Roman Empire and came back with a very different view of Paul. We think the church myths are in the scripture rather than carefully considering the scripture.
During the Middle Ages, some females, named saints, did extraordinary things. One female mystic negotiated power sharing accords with the Pope and secular kings.
I am completely convinced that the WT stand is not scriptural. Women led men. Paul states so. Paul is rooted in his own culture. Jesus' saying of Love one another is at the front of my mind. Dominion is not love. Love involves a reciprocal relationship.
Why do women take it? I suspect from reading threads that abuse happens frequently in JW homes. What woman who had any self-esteem could comply? JW women seem to disparage their own merits. The ever elusive brother is the hunted target. Once you bag one, marry at any cost. YOu have little choice. I never knew any couples that actually dated. It reminded more of Queen Victoria's family and arranged marriages.
Quote from: Watchtower September 15, 1941, p. 287
In the kingdom the 'great multitude' will look to the Lord to guide as to selecting each a mate for himself. Why, then, should a man who has the prospect before him of being of the great multitude now tie himself up to a stack of bones and a hank of hair?"
J.F. Rutherford
When I was a teenage JW, a dominant householder who had a very literal take on the Bible declared to me that it was a woman - Eve - who was deceived before the man - Adam - and that she is the first human responsible for bringing sin into the world and, he continued, that is why the Bible keeps all women in their place: they are great deceivers.
The Bible simply refelcts ancient patriarchal views: perpetuates the dual split in its views of women: Those women who completely and utterly turn their lives over to God are saints; all others are sinners. Paul was the arch-misogynist in his day. At best her was patronizing to women, at worst, scornful and suspicious. Let's not forget his 'recommendation' that women not speak at gatherings but remain silent and if they have any questions, to ask their husbands. Re-interpret this in the light of a modern, enlightened touchy-feely framework - it still oozes women needing to be under the watchful eye of men.