Why Women Are Treated Second Class In This Organization?

by AvocadoJake 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs


    Jesus was not an Equal Opportunity Employer.

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    No, that's for sure. His disciples were all men. I remember one elders wife commenting that the women who followed Jesus and his disciples around were there to wash their underwear. They were all part of a patriarchal society, but Paul is the one who says, "a man should not touch a woman," and "I do not permit a woman to teach," and "Women should keep silent" or "question their own husbands." Jesus did not address women's roles as thoroughly as Paul and Jesus was loved by many women.

  • designs

    'Experiencing The Joy Of The Submissive Mind' Subserviant cultures are very powerful and very difficult to break free from.

    I read a historical work recently on Caroline Hershcel who was one of the great astronomers in the 1700s, fascinating study.

  • N.drew

    Hi Lunatic Faith! I did not grow up in the religion. I was in my early 30s. I was married to an atheist. He said the society was interested in buying real estate in New York. I said that's ridiculous! But I guess not. I had two young children. I thought going to three meetings a week was too much so I went Sundays and then added the Book Study. It was a while before I went to the Theocratic School. If there was no Theocratic School I might never have become a JW. I was entralled! I still vaguely remember the day. The reason is there were sisters giving the talks at the school that night that reflected what you said.

    I loved giving talks because it was the one time I could really shine
  • N.drew

    I got a double I eraced it

  • designs


    We had a sister in my last KH who was a School Teacher and one time she gave her talk sitting in a chair facing the audience like you would in a classroom. You would have thought the Suffragettes had just shown up! Total panic among the brothers and sisters

  • tenyearsafter

    LF...I certainly understand how women would feel like second class citizens in the Borg. I don't know that I would go so far as saying that Christendom in general treats women like JW's do. There are many women in positions of ministry and teaching. Paul's teachings are viewed as a bridge between Jews, who were strong believers in women having a lesser role, and Christians who would be encouraged to not "stumble" those who were still influenced by old Jewish law and the many cultural traditions existing in the 1st Century. I think the attitude towards women JW's eschew is more a result of their taking a literal interpretation of Paul's words than looking at them in the context of the day they were spoken. With that being said, there are plenty of conservative denominations of Christendom, along with Islam, etc. that view women in a diminished role.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Not any more!!! I love not feeling squished

  • designs


    I think what Christian Denominations have had to do is split into Liberal and Conservative Branches. The Society is still stuck in a very male dominated heirarcy.

    What is the highest ranking position for a sister at Bethel.

  • tenyearsafter

    designs, I agree...the WTS enforces their orthodoxy via judicial discipline. Christendom has the very conservative denominations, but the majority seem to be much more "equal" in the treatment of women. It is very common for women to lead prayer or teach in a worship service...something you would never see in a mixed sex JW meeting. I am not saying these Christian churches are without fault, just that they tend to treat women more inclusively.

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