Are You Afraid To Die Alone?

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal


    We come into the world alone don't we? Somebody isn't holding your hand when you come out, right?

    As far as being alone when you take your last breath, well, some people are lucky enough to have their family members by their side holding their hand while they breathe their last. But, this isn't always how it happens. Personally, I would like to go quietly in my sleep.

  • straightshooter

    When I am died, then I will not be worried if I was alone or not. Of course I prefer dying in a hospital than alone at home.

  • logical1

    I am not afraid of death, as noone will know when they have died. I am only afraid of becoming disfigured and living with it.

  • minimus

    Are you the same logical that used to post ??

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I recall Mayor Guiliani talked about the massive funerals after September 11th. He was attending ten or fifteen a day for months. Questions were raised about how to proceed. He claimed there was no answer. Everyone was different. My mom's family owned a funeral home before the Witnesses (religion is a snare and a racket did not help business). She never had any fear. I have great fear.

    It seems to my mind that from watching media death should be dramatic. Certain music, indicating anxiety and sadness, should play in the background. People should be present and weep. I watch all these royal movies. All the people present sounds so nice but what about privacy. No one will proclaim The King is dead. Long live the King at my death. Death is so mundane. I pray that through my present efforts to reach out more I can attract nonfamily members into my life who will mourn me properly. I have detailed funeral instructions but I do not trust my family to abide by them.

    Altho they were JWs, the last people wanted around were Witnesses. My ardent JW aunt even told the hospital that she had only sister and brother and that they were white. We never send anyone off with pomp and circumstances. Some friendly JW brother preaches not about my loved one. It reminds me of taking garbage to the trash can. I want my favorite hymns. Incense and a choir. Some noting of my passions, life challenges. Some closure. I want people and groups notified. Now I fear a Roman Catholic funeral against my stated wishes. Need to see a lawyer.

  • cofty

    I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my gradfather did - not screaming in terror like his passengers.

  • rebel8

    I'm not afraid of being dead. I just don't want to do it.

    I am afraid of the process of dying. I've been through part of it and it totally sucked a$$. When your brain is deprived of oxygen you have a physiological anxiety reaction that is not really comparable to other fear you may have had before.

    mr. rebel8 and I are going to have our ashes mixed together after death. Of course, neither of us will be aware of it.

    I've already died by shooting, stabbing, drowning, starving, freezing, burning, hanging, falling, suffocating, being eaten alive, and too many other ways to mention. And I'm still here.

    What now?

  • Snoozy

    Same here rebel..after watching so many of my relatives die I see what pain and torment they can go through..When someone dies in their sleep they usually suffer a lot beforehand. My daughter says her father in law went peacefully but she is forgetting the 2 years he suffered trying to get a breath when there wasn't any..gasping for air..that's what emphesema does to you.

    Heart disease , your heart slowly dies and your kidneys and then you fill with water in your lungs and slowly quit breathing..usually getting pnemonia.
    Cancer, well my mom went out of her head the last two weeks and gasped and reached for us when she died.
    My fil had bone cancer and he died in a nursing home as my MIL could no longer take care of him. He could be heard screaming when you walked in the home to visit him..

    When hubby was dying he covered his head with a sheet.Hospice said that some do that because they are preparing a place where they will be oging. ??? The cancer had filled his liver and he itched constantly from the built up bile in his system..towards the end he couldn't drink and his mouth was so dry he could hardly breath..that is one reason I would hate to have a medical release for treatment towards the end..if he was in a hospital he could have had a IV and it wouldln't have been so miserable for him. But he wanted to die at home. I would never ever again recommend that to anyone. He died in his sleep..but not without suffering a lot first.

    With all this I would still, knowing I would die shortly, want to be alone..nothing worse than someone wanting to carry on a conversation when you are trying to die peacefully..

    BTW, I had the widowmaker and didn't even know it..All I had was a squeezing in both my arms..I was alone watching my daughters dogs while they were in California..I called my own ambulance, got up and opened the front door for the EMT's I had just called.. Locked the dogs up and made sure they had water..Oh yeah, I also took a this TMI?..

  • AGuest

    Given the scenarios you've shared, dear Snoozy (peace to you, and I am sorry for all of them and those who had to endure them, either personally or as caretakers!), I am glad I am an insulin diabetic. I've already told hubby and kids, "It's up to Hubby, but if you wanna know what I want... don't go prolonging things!! Let me GO!" Since I'm not sure I can trust him to let me go... I intend to have a pen nearby (assuming I know "it's" coming - no "unforeseen occurrence" kind of situation). Just dial up a couple more (okay, several more) units than needed and... ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

    No, just kidding. I think (I watched my mom fight cancer, so...). Ya'll will never know, though, will ya?

    (To the authorities: if you're reading this my husband is innocent! He can't even kill bugs (I have to do it - I hate it, but he hates it worse, the softie!) and doesn't even know how to work the pen!)

    Okay, post back to the OP (sorry, dear Miniman (peace to you!), for this... and for misunderstanding your definition of "alone") -

    Peace, all!

    SA, on her own...

  • JAFO

    I've already died by shooting, stabbing, drowning, starving, freezing, burning, hanging, falling, suffocating, being eaten alive, and too many other ways to mention. And I'm still here.

    rebel8: What now?

    I dunno.. guess I'll see when the time comes.. earthquake, volcanic eruption, nuclear explosion.. so many interesting deaths to choose from.. but whatever.. I know it's just a blip in an ongoing adventure.

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