Eurozone crisis- the jw's are crowing about it like mad!

by highdose 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Aussie Oz.

    Unless the bible is true, that the end of human rule has come, and God's kingdom will soon come. That's also a possibility we cannot completely cross off. With the complexity of the universe, not to mention the wonderful functioning of the whole system, e.g., gravity, digestive system in humans, the complexitiy of the eye, the functioning of the brain etc, the possibility that there is a 'designer' cannnot be completely crossed off.

    And if there is a 'designer' and a 'creator', then the possibility of the truthfulness of the bible narrative must be taken into consideration as well.

    These are the possibilities we cannot 'completely' deny because honestly, we don't really know. We can only hope. We can only believe. We can only have faith

    Yes we can cross it off. There is no possibility of the bible being truthful as far as i am concerned. Nor of course the JWs nor the whole group of second adventist religions they belong to. I am a deist, please look it up.

    I will say this in closing...The conditions in the world are bloody fantastic! Wake up need to be put in a time machine to go visit some bygone era's of history. The starving the oppressed? Old news dude, the colapse of economies, old news in history too. NONE has ever and will ever mean the biblical armageddon. Even if our present global system fall apart and all the satalites fall from the sky and we go back to the dark ages, it still will not be armageddon, just yet another age in history.

    The problem with people who look at things your way is that they never get to see that the world is ok, all they see is doom and woe while waiting for their invisible friend to come sort it out for them.

    The glass is half full, not half empty!


  • trueblue

    I don't think it matters what anyone believes or what faith. Jesus said " Do not marvel at this the righteous and the unrighteous will be resurected" also he said "by their fruits you will recognize them" and the scriptures says that God is roving about searching the heart. I think the bible (scrolls) were written for as like a phsycologist to comfort ones in a different time era when people had a total different outlook and phsycology is nothing now a days is nothing more then a made up religeon and a bunch of name calling when most or all the names for diagnoseses pretty much identify mental conditions that have the same symptoms that are only worded differently and the treatment is usually the same kind of medications (go figure). A friend said to me once "I don't think religeon is anymore than a crutch for the handycap." Idon't think religeon does any more than cunfuse people, or like Jesus said "to misslead the chosen ones." But what the hell do I know, got to get to work... see ya... wouldn't want to be ya.

  • truth_b_known


    The so-called fulfilled prophesies in the Bible are not necessarily reason to be believe the end is nigh.

    Jesus, the son of God, was supposedly prophesied to appear on earth. This was allegedly fulfilled with the virgin birth through Mary. He then grew to manhood, became a great teacher, and was then impaled. 3 days later he rises from the grave.

    What about Horus, Krishna, Buddha, and a score of other non-bibilical prophets/deities who also are written of doing the exact same things as the Biblical Jesus, but centuries earlier? What about the fact that there is no proof outside the Bible that Jesus even existed. Any so-called contemporaries who have written non-scriptual texts containing information about Jesus were written from hear-say accounts and many were written decades after the gospels were written.

    Plato and Homer wrote about Hercules as if he were a real, historical person. Hercules was the son of Zeus, born to a pure mortal woman. So, is Hercules real or is he myth? We say "myth". Why? Because no one worships Zeus anymore.

    In Islam they teach of "Al-Malhama Al-Kubra" which is the final battle where Allah sends the prophet Isa to earth to defeat Al Dajaal. It's the exact same set up as the Christian "armageddon". So, Islam correct, too?

    For that matter, what about the norse Ragnarok? These are all religious "end of the world" scenarios where good finally defeats evil. However, we are supposed to believe that only the scriptures as interpretted by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society is the correct version of the "end of days".

    Remember this: We've been told that each day that passes is one day closer to Armageddon. There is a flip-side to that coin. Each day that goes by is one day further from 1914. Every minute that passes with out the end of the world coming to fruition is one more nail in the coffin on another failed doomsday prophesy.

  • sonny.alfaro
  • sonny.alfaro
  • JustHuman14

    They just love when there is a crisis in the world, either is financial, war, or a natural catastrophic event!!! The crisis is control by few financial organizations in the world and they created this situation in order to gain more money. It is simple as that. Greece was just the experiment of what to follow next.

    All of our labor rights have vanished, they have reduced the salary of the middle working person. You work for a whole day just to get 650 euros a month!!! You have absolutely no rights, no unions to protect you, and you have to accept without any question the reduction of your income with the thread over your head that you will be fired. For sure there are people who will be gaining a lot from this crisis, and this few are the ones who control the financial system of Capitalism.

    There will be no real Democracy( from the Hellenic word Demos(puplic)and kratos(hold)) Our Prime Ministers, our Presidents, will not be a result of a Democratic ellection, but they will be appointed by the Financial System, and this what has really happened in Greece and Italy, that we have two Prime Ministers that are appointed by IMF, and both they were part of that Organization.

    The world we are living is constanly changing, the point is what we are doing about it. Are we going just sit there, and leave other people decide for us, without us, or we are going to define our own destiny?

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Sorry. What crisis are we talking about again?

    Seems Europe is doing good now.

    Sorry JWs... Yet another false alarm...

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