Santorum can't bear Romney, surely, because he doesn't have the organization in place. Can Ron Paul beat him though? Despite his avowed isolationism I find Ron Paul slightly scary. He seems like the kind of guy who could initiate the apocalypse if he has the wrong thing for breakfast. LOL that's actually the question I most often ask myself about US presidential politics: "which one of these nutjobs is least likely to get us all blown up?"
GOP 2012 Race Is Down To Romney, Cain And Gingrich
by Bangalore 76 Replies latest jw friends
Band on the Run
well, Romney, Santorum, Paul - what a difference a month makes. I don't think I could ever run for office. Most of the time people must stake some personal money, all the work of campaigning, the strategy sessions and the ground keeps moving. Current events over which you have no control have an impact. It must attract gambling types.
Wasn't there a Republican with an Indian background (from India) who was supposed to be the next big thing? The GOP's answer to Obama, what happened to him?
That is the Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal.
Why did he not run?
Why did he not run?
Jindal gave a Republican response to an Obama state of the union address and is widely thought to have badly botched it. He fell out of favor with the mainstream Republicans for national office after that. I am going to quote myself from above: (because I still think the comment I made a month ago is absolutely true)
I have said before that I believe the GOP party insiders will induce the nomination to go to Romney.
For far too long, the GOP nomination has gone to a pre-decided insider.
This is why I abstained from voting for McCain - and I have yet to decide if I can conscientously vote for a RINO (Romney) this time around.
It really is a moot point for me anyway, as the national election is decided far outside the state of Texas.
truth_b_known Re: GOP 2012 Race Is Down To Romney, Cain And Gingrich posted ~ a month ago (11/16/2011) Which ever Republican candidate wins the Republican nomination will be the next President
Court: Obama must be ‘constitutionally’ eligible
Judge denies president's motion to dismiss challenge to 2012 candidacy
Published: 18 hours ago
For the first time in dozens of court cases challenging Barack Obama’s eligibility to be president, a judge has ruled that Obama must, in order to be a candidate on the Georgia ballot for president in 2012, meet the constitutional demands for candidates for the office.
A hearing has been scheduled later this month for evidence on the issue that has plagued Obama and his presidency since long before he took office. At issue is the constitutional requirement that a president be a “natural-born citizen.” Some allege he was not born in the U.S. as he has claimed and, therefore, is not eligible..........
The ruling came today from Judge Michael W. Malihi of the Georgia state Office of State Administrative Hearings.
In Georgia, a state law requires “every candidate for federal” office who is certified by the state executive committees of a political party or who files a notice of candidacy “shall meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought.”
“Statutory provisions must be read as they are written, and this court finds that the cases cited by [Obama] are not controlling. When the court construes a constitutional or statutory provision, the ‘first step … is to examine the plain statutory language,” the judge wrote. “Section 21-2-1(a) states that ‘every candidate for federal and state office’ must meet the qualifications for holding that particular office, and this court has seen no case law limiting this provision, nor found any language that contains an exception for the office of president or stating that the provision does not apply to the presidential preference primary.”
The decision from Malihi came as a result of a series of complaints that were consolidated by the court. They were brought against Obama’s inclusion on the 2012 election primary ballot by David Farrar, Leah Lax, Cody Judy, Thomas Malaren and Laurie Roth, represented by attorney Orly Taitz; David Weldon represented by attorney Van R. Irion of Liberty Legal Foundation;........Irion had argued in his opposition to Obama’s demand to dismiss the concerns that,
“The only fact relevant to this case is the fact that the defendant’s father was not a U.S. citizen. This fact has been repeatedly documented and stated by the party opponent, defendant Obama. This fact is also evidenced by plaintiff’s exhibit 6, previously submitted with plaintiff’s pre-trial order, and apparently authenticated by defendant’s citation to this exhibit in defendant’s ‘Statement of Material Facts Not in Dispute,’ number 7.
“The lengths to which the defendant goes in order to avoid the one relevant fact is telling. The defendant asks this court to interpret Georgia election code in a way that leaves the code in conflict with itself, goes against the plain language of the law, leaves the law without meaning, and conflicts with common sense. He then cites freedom-to-associate precedent to support an assertion that has never been supported by such precedent, and which would nullify election codes in several states. All of these arguments are futile attempts to distract from the undeniable conclusion: Barack Obama is not constitutionally qualified to hold the office of president of the United States,” Irion wrote.
He continued, “It is true that some states lack election codes authorizing any state officials to screen candidate selections from political parties. In these states political parties have essentially unfettered authority to determine which candidates appear on ballots. However, these instances represent decisions of the states to not screen candidates. It is the states’ right to decide how to administer its elections. The fact that some states have decided to not protect their citizens from unqualified candidates does not mean that other states don’t have the right to screen candidates. It simply means that some states have left the screening to the political parties.
“Georgia has determined that it is in the best interest of its citizens to screen candidates..................."
OMG - not more birther BS...please...
Not only is it off topic on this thread, but there was another thread of about 25 pages that beat this horse all the way dead.
What does RINO mean?
I sort of wish Ron Paul would win just to make things interesting though. Doesn't he have a son who shares the same wacky philosophy? Maybe he should have let his son stand instead and they might have stood a better chance.
What does RINO mean?
Republican In Name Only. Many conservative Republicans feel that this is what Romney really is.
I sort of wish Ron Paul would win just to make things interesting though. Doesn't he have a son who shares the same wacky philosophy? Maybe he should have let his son stand instead and they might have stood a better chance.
He is doing about as well this season as he has ever done - about 20% seems to be his maximum. I somehow feel that this group is more attached to the wacky image of the father - the son appears to be more moderate to me.