So when the GOP settles on a nominee how will the candidates kiss and makeup.
GOP 2012 Race Is Down To Romney, Cain And Gingrich
by Bangalore 76 Replies latest jw friends
I think they all understand that this is just play-acting. Like Newt's "outrage" at John King's question about open marriage.
Santorum is broke and heading back to his home State. Spending $300.00 per vote shows what about his economics. Note to Rick- you could have supported a few Food Banks and Women's Shelters with that money if those weren't against your religious beliefs.
GOP office holders Coburn, Pittman believe the country has grown soft by not executing more murderers and they would like medical personell who perform abortions added to the list of those to be executed. Pittman, from North Carolina, wants public hangings to be brought back.
The last public hanging was in 1936 in Kentucky home to Sen. Mitch McConnell. 20,000 people showed up for the public hanging and the spectacle it caused is considered the reason it was ended in the US.
Mitt and Newt and Santorum support capital punishment, a difficult position for Catholics like Newt and Santorum with their Church against capital punishment.
Mitt will now be given Secret Service protection. The LDS infiltration of the Federal Government grows, for the conspiracy lovers on the board.
Santorum and Romney will have good head to head contests in Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri. So far Jesus has pulled the plug on Bachmann and Perry after telling them personally he would be their guy, so let's see who wins.
A Condom mfg. has come out with The Romney. The Romney is good in any position no matter how often you switch ....
Juan Viejo2
Designs - it is interesting how many of these Republican candidates have had conversations with God. In each of these He told them to run for President. Somewhere along the way He apparently got confused and didn't realize that He'd told EVERYONE TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT!
I know as soon as one of these fakers makes a statement like God told me or God directed me or I know that God would want me to run, that they are lying. What amazes me is how many people who are non-certifiable actually take what they say as being truthful.
Let's see: In the past God has moved Pat Robertson, Jesse Jackson, Mike Huckabee, Michelle Bachman, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich to all run for president. So far not one has even made it past the primaries. Either they are lying or it must be some other god that they are getting instructions from.
Let's see: In the past God has moved Pat Robertson, Jesse Jackson, Mike Huckabee, Michelle Bachman, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich to all run for president. So far not one has even made it past the primaries. Either they are lying or it must be some other god that they are getting instructions from.
They got the memo from the small "g" god.
designs - if Romney was really smart he'd promote that as his new slogan ...