In the 2/15/2012 Koolaid there is an article about finding happiness in a divided household. I found this to be particularly offensive:
"When facing a challenge, it is important to seek Scriptural counsel from publications of the faithful and discreet slave class and from the elders." Page 27, para 5.
They don't even pretend to refer people to the bible anymore. Disgusting.
On the same page is this "experience" which is laughable:
"Howard says, “I am so grateful that my wife stayed calm and did not overreact!” His wife explains: “Howard demanded that I give up studying the Bible. He said that I was being brainwashed. Instead of arguing, I said that he could be right, but I also told him that I could not honestly see how. So I asked him to read the book I was studying. He did so and could not disagree with what it said. This deeply affected him. It is good to remember that unbelieving spouses may feel abandoned or threatened when their mate leaves to participate in Christian activities, but loving reassurances can go a long way in allaying such feelings."