yeah, returning to God watchtower organization.
Returning to God - For those with minds of Reason
by mankkeli 41 Replies latest jw experiences
do you reject the organization and encourage people to come to Jehovah directly and avoid the WTS?
I'm repeating this for emphasis. It is a good question Ding. But I think he will not answer.
It is disingenuous to suggest that walking back into a cult is as easy as the prodigal son returning. There is no warm welcome but months and years of tests to prove humility and conditioning so that you can take your place in a lie.
There is no comfort just an organisation holding relatives and friends hostage ready to offer conditional friendship if you walk back into the clutches of a book publishing company. This has the stench of men giving themselves a cloak of divinty to make their abuse seem valid. Don't peddle lies here we have lived it and know it to be untrue.
do you reject the organization and encourage people to come to Jehovah directly and avoid the WTS?
And you expect he will give you a truthful answer? He's never been interested in truth since he got here, just giving himself instant credibility within in the moment (I'm a CO assistant! I'm a professor!). This thread, among all his threads, is a game for him and I bet he's having fun, but he lacks basic ethics. He serves as a reminder that personal information should never be given on this forum no matter how silly it might feel. This man/person could be dangerous as he/she seems to have a very clearly defined pattern of behaviour while lacking basic ethics. Kind of a "it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye" type of thing.
"But, like the prodigal son, they can put forth efforts to return to the house of their Father and to his service. This includes heartfelt repentance, abandoning their independent course and petitioning God for forgiveness of their sin. ..."
Ah, this story of the "prodigal son" was simply a parable that "Jesus" used to highlight the qualities of love and unconditional forgiveness...
Like the much mis-used "faithful and discreet slave" verses, this was NEVER intended to be taken as a REAL person OR CLASS...
It was merely a story - like the much older "Aesop's Fables" of Greek literature - which was intended to teach certain lessons in "morality" to the followers.
Sab said:
And you expect he will give you a truthful answer?
It's a recurring question whether to answer WT apologists or ignore them, especially when they say the same things over and over.
My concern is that if we don't respond to them, some lurkers may conclude that we have no answers.
I hope to get people to think. If Mankkelli chooses to just repeat the WT company line, that's his choice.
My hope is that some lurkers will see the issues and think about what we've said.
Found Sheep
ditto what tea42 said
RETURNING TO GOD (By which they mean the made up ‘brand name’ god of the watchtower which really means 'OBEY THE GB and give them your money')
13 Those who see themselves in the position of the prodigal son, however, need not remain in this wretched state. (Propaganda technique of ‘Appeal to the common man’) But, like the prodigal son, they can put forth efforts to return to the house of their Father (My dad died some years ago. They must mean ‘obey the governing body of the cult of Jehovah™’) and to his service. (Catchphrase meaning DO MORE for the furtherance of the interests of the paedophile protecting GB) This includes heartfelt repentance, abandoning their independent course (Return to Obeying and worshipping the GB) and petitioning God (The imaginary ‘brand name’ god invented by the watchtower = Jehovah™ ) for forgiveness of their sin. (Guilt, fear and phobia induced in this ‘appeal to fear’ and ‘appeal to authority’) This agrees with the words of the prophet Jeremiah (As usual the WBT$ use the O/T to ‘prove’ their propagandist’s viewpoint) regarding those who had experienced, not God’s forgiveness, but his adverse judgment for failing to repent of their transgressions: “Do let us search out our ways and explore them, and do let us return clear to Jehovah ( ™ ) . Let us raise our heart along with our palms to God in the heavens: (Obey and bow down in worship to the GB) ‘We ourselves have transgressed, and we have behaved rebelliously.”’—Lam. 3:40-42. (Appeal to fear)
14 For many who no longer share in Jehovah’s ( ™ ) service (Catchphrase for doing more to feather the nests of the GB) the way back may (weasel word) seem very difficult. (Unlike the ‘prodigal son’ mentioned earlier, ex-JWs are not welcomed back. They are looked down upon, judged, sneered and laughed at and shunned. How Christian is that? It isn’t. Its cult practice) (Ashamed and fearing (this is designed to imply the fear is the fault of the ex-JW NOT the drones) that they might not be accepted in a loving manner, (you got that right. They WON’T. Deffo!) they may (weasel word) dread the thought of having to face persons who have continued to serve Jehovah ™ faithfully. (Us vs: Them mentality designed to make the ex-JW feel guilty that they didn’t continue to be a mindless drone for the GB) Possibly (weasel word) those who have strayed (Strayed? That’s a very subjective viewpoint) have not prayed to Jehovah ™ for a long time and, in view of what they have done , (‘what they have done’? What? Simply disagreed with 7 paedophile protecting men in Brooklyn?) perhaps feel that they are not fit to live and could never gain God’s ™ forgiveness. Are such fears warranted? Not at all. (Straw man) Jesus’ illustration and the many historical examples of Jehovah’s ™ forgiving the transgressions of his people prove that his mercy is extended to all persons who return to him with a complete heart. (By this they mean return to giving worship and money to the GB)
15 A case in point is Judean King Manasseh. (Appeal to authority and another O/T example) The Scriptural record concerning his sins reads: (Yawn. Wake me up when they’ve done) “He went on to build altars to all the army of the heavens in two courtyards of the house of Jehovah ™ . And he made his own son pass through the fire, and he practiced magic and looked for omens and made spirit mediums and professional foretellers of events. He did on a large scale what was bad in Jehovah’s eyes, to offend him. And there was also innocent blood that Manasseh shed in very great quantity, until he had filled Jerusalem from end to end.” (2 Ki. 21:5, 6, 16) Finally, when Manasseh found himself a captive in Babylon, he repented and kept praying to Jehovah. Despite Manasseh’s former conduct, Jehovah ™ “heard his request for favor and restored him to Jerusalem to his kingship.” (2 Chron. 33:11-13) Few persons have acted as wickedly as did King Manasseh (Feck. You wanna check out what the GB have been up to! Ban on blood. Shares in RandCam. The list goes on!) and, yet, on the basis of his repentance, he became a recipient of Jehovah’s ™ mercy.
(Sorry in advance but this next bit is tedious and clearly a bOrg infomercial about the merits of being unchristian and shunning) 16 Centuries later, a spirit-anointed Christian in the congregation at Corinth, Greece, practiced sexual immorality with the wife of his father. The presence of this incestuous man endangered the spiritual welfare of the entire congregation and, therefore, the apostle Paul directed that he be expelled. (1 Cor. 5:1, 7-13) (Oh, here we go. Attempting to justify the cult practice of shunning, disfellowshipping. It’s WBT$ commercial time over here!) But this man was not cut off from association with the congregation for all time. Evidently (BIG WEASEL ALERT) regarding this man, after his having repented, we read: “This rebuke given by the majority is sufficient for such a man, so that, on the contrary now, you should kindly forgive and comfort him, that somehow such a man may not be swallowed up by his being overly sad. Therefore I exhort you to confirm your love for him.” (2 Cor. 2:6-8) That repentant wrongdoer remained a spirit-begotten Christian, with the hope of gaining life in the heavens. (But I thought those that claimed to have the heavenly calling were ‘mentally imbalanced’ according to the WBT$?)
17 The case of King Manasseh and that of the unnamed Christian in the Corinthian congregation indicate that wrongdoing does not automatically cancel out one’s opportunity of regaining a proper standing with Jehovah God ™ . One who has become guilty of serious transgression can still pray to God ™ and, if he is sincerely repentant, his prayers for forgiveness will be answered. (Compare Isaiah 1:15-19.) Certainly if Jehovah ™ can be so forgiving, no one who claims to be his servant would want to reflect the unmerciful attitude of the older son in Jesus’ illustration. (Ironic statements from the antichrist pyramid business posing as a religion to feather the nests of the 7 paedophile protectors and their suck ups. Pass me the bucket I’m going to be sick!)