....... is the answer , and you know that for sure. Rest in Peace John ( B. 10/9/40 D. 12/08/80 ) Age 40.
YouTubes Here ! by John Lennon - ( With Beatles or After Beatles ) Love .....
by flipper 31 Replies latest jw friends
One of my favorites.
Band on the Run
When I am in NY, I try to carve out time to go to Strawberry Fields with a votive candle and inexpensive Korean market flowers. It is interesting to watch the hard core group of teenagers fight with each other over which Beatle is singing lead. They don't know much but they have a grand time. I just on a bench a while to remember all the good memories, the sheer concept of John Lennon. Normal adults will scurry past on normal business. They don't quite understand why the pile of flowers is so high or all the candles glowing. The recognition hits. Faces are transformed and the women tear up.
I've posted before how John Lennon was the grand symbol for all my JW fights at home.
Within the past year I visited the Museum of Modern Art, and while I was in the elevator a blood curdling screech rang out that carried a long distance. No one seemed concerned and no one ran to assist. I asked an employee why. She explained that a Yoko installation was being performed all day. Everyone else on the elevator moaned and rolled their eyes. This was in MOMA where the avante garde is celebrated. So thanks to Johns' fame we had that experience every half hour.
I saw him several times but never informally. Rather than have a nasty Lennon experience, I chose to have fond fantasies of what a meeting would be like.
Thanks for reminding us. Time to play his music that changed my life.
charlie brown jr.
2 of my favs from John
oh and this one....hell the WHOLE DAMN ALBUM.......
Started listening to the whole album was I was only 5.......
My Mom and Aunt's Favorite album back in 1971.......
charlie brown jr.
Some of my Fav John Beatles songs........
Always struck a chord with me...
I'm learning to play this one on guitar right now. Love this song.