What history have you seen in the makeing???

by karter 120 Replies latest jw friends

  • ZeusRocks

    Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster.

    Death of Princess Diana.



    Cold War

    Discovery of AIDS

    End of Apartheid in South Africa

    Wreck of Titanic found

    Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Cloned sheep

    All on TV of course, it's not like I was actually there.

  • jemba

    zeus beat me to it....

    aids- us kids all thought you could get it from kissing

    princess diana dying- shocking

    911- left me numb for weeks

    the rise of the internet- the rise of the informed apostate!

  • blond-moment

    Challenger (watched it explode, never watched another takeoff) ....9/11 (I had the day off, watched all day, now I don't watch the morning news) Two I can think off off the top of my head, before coffee.

  • wasblind

    Adam and eve expelled from eden

    that's the way my achin' joints feel at times

  • moshe

    Hmm, a big story, still in the making? Do I have an idea, well now, let me think a sec---

  • karter
  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Do you mean where I was present or watched on TV?

    I took part in every major antiwar demonstration in NYC and D.C. Saw Julian Bond at a local church in my hometown. Jesse Jackson spoke to my classmates during a special assembly a few months after MLK was assasinated. I saw Bobby Kennedy's casket at St. Patrick's Cathedral. People were fainting all over the place. It was hot and the wait was long. Some adults saw the teen age me and told me how to move to the head of the line. They told me to go to Kennedy KQ around the corner and get a Kennedy button. Well, no one insulted me so much. I was no cheat! So I wait hours to file pass the coffin.

    Saw Len Weinglass and William Kuntsler in my hometown. Saw Kuntsler regularly in my law school library. Always wanted a chance to chat with him. He was always absorbed in work.

    Saw the NYPD riot police beat my classmates to a pulp in front of Hamilton Hall at Columbia College.

    Saw many rock'n' roll legends before they were legends at the Filmore East. Saw a day's worth of Woodstock before returning home. Saw draft card burnings. Witnessed other people doing civil disobedience.

    Saw some really crazy street people in the East Village. Saw Nureyev and Barishnikov. Saw Andy Warhol in East Village.

    9/11-my neighborhood was the staging area. Saw thousands of flyers at Bellevue. Saw the extra trailer for the Medical Examiner's Office. Saw Ground Zero. Saw numerous funeral homes.

    Attended John Lennon memorial in Central Park. Attended Concert for Bangladesh both performances. Saw several superstar benefits to raise antiwar money. Attended part of H. Rap Brown trial. Saw several Supreme Court justices at my law school. Saw the Court sittting in the Sup Ct. bldg.

    Saw Paul Simon in Central Park. Saw Pavarotti concert in Central Park.

  • prologos

    eye witness: the flight of the Zeppelins, the b17 formations and their crew bailouts, Canadian & Russian troops meeting 1945, the Berlin airlift, the Shuttle launches, Breshnev in Washington, time will tell what else, 15 minutes of fame counts?

  • jdubsnub

    I saw the first episode of Jersey Shore.....

  • mynameislame

    I remember when your cell phone was one of these things hanging of your dashboard.

    I remember where i was when Casey Anthony was found not guilty


    flat screen tv

    Stock market crash of 2008-2009

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