"Chad--IRIN (Integrated Regional Information Networks) of the UN Office for
the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports children being sold to Arab
herdsmen in Chad. As part of a new identity imposed on them the herdsmen
'...change their name, forbid them to speak in their native dialect, ban them
from conversing with people from their own ethnic group and make them adopt Is-
lam as their religion.'"
"Mauritania--A system exists now by which Arab Muslims--the bidanes—own black
slaves, the haratines. An estimated 90,000 Mauritanians remain essentially en-
slaved. The ruling bidanes (the name means literally white-skinned people) are
descendants of the Sanhaja Berbers and Beni Hassan Arab tribes who emigrated to
northwest Africa and present-day Western Sahara and Mauritania during the Middle
Ages. According to some estimates, up to 600,000 Mauritanians, or 20% of the
population, are still enslaved, many of them used as bonded labour. Slavery in
Mauritania was criminalized in August 2007. Malouma Messoud, a former Muslim
slave has explained her enslavement to a religious leader:
"'We didn't learn this history in school; we simply grew up within this social
hierarchy and lived it. Slaves believe that if they do not obey their masters,
they will not go to paradise. They are raised in a social and religious system
that everyday reinforces this idea.'
"In Mauritania, despite slave ownership having been banned by law in 1981,
hereditary slavery continues. Moreover, according to Amnesty International:
"'Not only has the government denied the existence of slavery and failed to
respond to cases brought to its attention, it has hampered the activities of or-
ganisations which are working on the issue, including by refusing to grant them
official recognition.'
"Imam El Hassan Ould Benyamin of Tayarat in 1997 expressed his views about
earlier proclamations ending slavery in his country as follows:
"'[it] is contrary to the teachings of the fundamental text of Islamic law,
the Quran ... [and] amounts to the expropriation from Muslims of their goods;
goods that were acquired legally. The state, if it is Islamic, does not have the
right to seize my house, my wife or my slave.'"
Niger--"While institutional slavery has been banned worldwide, there are nu-
merous reports of female sex slaves in areas without an effective government
control, such as Sudan, South Africa and Liberia, Sierra Leone, northern Uganda,
Congo, Niger, and Mauritania."
"Mali--The Malian government denies that slavery exists, but some say slavery
still continues as a reflection of the poverty in Mali."
"Sudan--Sudan has seen a resurgence of slavery since 1983, associated with the
Second Sudanese Civil War.
"In the Sudan, Christian and animist captives in the civil war are often en-
slaved, and female prisoners are often used sexually, with their Muslim captors
claiming that Islamic law grants them permission. According to CBS news, slaves
have been sold for $50 apiece. In 2001, CNN reported that the Bush administra-
tion was under pressure from Congress, including conservative Christians con-
cerned about religious oppression and slavery, to address issues involved in the
Sudanese conflict. CNN has also quoted the U.S. State Department's allegations:
'The [Sudanese] government's support of slavery and its continued military ac-
tion which has resulted in numerous deaths are due in part to the victims' reli-
gious beliefs.'
"Jok Madut Jok, professor of History at Loyola Marymount University, states
that the abduction of women and children of the south by north is slavery by any
definition. The government of Sudan insists that the whole matter is no more
than the traditional tribal feuding over resources.
"It is estimated that as many as 200,000 people had been taken into slavery
during the Second Sudanese Civil War."