Then we agree to disagree. I can assure you there is no other book, prophetic, apocalyptic, or otherwise that can compare with the book of Daniel. I do have a problem with the terminology of modern scholars and critics though. Seeing that these view Daniel as a fraud and a charlatan, they should rather speak of Pseudo-Daniel, his pseudo-prophecy, as well as his pseudo-apocalypticism.
I have read an interesting pdf dissertation by A. Y. Reed, "Body, Soul and Immortality in Hellenistic Judaism." Therein he discusses Hellenistic Judaism "reserved for those forms of Judaism that most actively absorbed, reworked and integrated ancient Greek traditions and the Hellenistic culture of the time." He sees some of these tendencies in the LXX. His dissertation concentrates on Enoch I, II, the Wisdom of Solomen, Ben Sirach and Philo.
In addition, the term "watcher" came from Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian king. The possibility exists that these Jewish apocalyptics copied the book of Daniel, and not the otherway round.
What bothers me, is that we have gone off the rails with this thread, completely off the topic. Perhaps we should continue this discussion under the Daniel-thread.