Women who have affairs...are they DUMB to think he will leave his wife?

by Witness 007 56 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    "Yes he does Love me....it's just a bad time now with the kids and all...and money...he doesn't love her anymore, it just the kids....he said we can keep meeting at $40 Hotels for "awhile" longer....till he sorts things out...and we can be together."

    This could be 1955 or 2011 and dumb girls still fall for this crap???? For real???? I can't believe they could be so damn dumb. This scum bag has a wife at home and his "little cream tart on the side" thinks she's the "one." Just be patient...it's only been 18 months!!!!

    I as a man would feel sick doing this scam. This makes me angry.

  • No Room For George
  • TheSilence

    Some men do leave their wives. I find it more amazing that the other woman is then shocked when he cheats on her.


  • punkofnice

    There are those that revel in their delusions.

    Mrs Punk believes the WBT$ is god's organization(TM) on earth.

    Same as when nutters hear voices, they are always telling them to go out and kill women? Why don't they ever tell them to do something a little less extreme, like wash the car or give the missus a hand with the ironing? It's all in the delusion.

    There you have it!

  • FlyingHighNow

    I don't think you can paint every situation with the same broad brush. The women are hopefully adults though. And adults live with the consequences of their decisions, women involved in affairs with married men included.

  • wobble

    Every situation is not unique, and every situation is not the same, to claim either is to generalise, and "He who generalise, generally lies !"

    I agree though that your average mistress must be a bit of a Cogitive Dissonance sufferer, the form is not good for such relationships. Sometimes it sort of works, but the couple never seem to be as relaxed and confident in eachother as a couple who have no guilt.

  • NewChapter

    Some women are perfectly content to leave things as they are. The man leaving his wife to be with her may even be a deal breaker. I've seen this happen a couple of times. She has her life, she's fine that he has his, and this is all the committment she wants.

    BTW women have affairs too. Are their lovers delusional or suffering from cognitive dissonance?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I see the secret affairs more often as a JW than I did in the world. I guess it really gets these people off to have their little secret. Most were not with the intention of breaking up the marraige at a convinient time. They just wanted something extra, or something they weren't getting at home

  • undercover


  • PSacramento

    people have affairs because they beleive they are getting the best of bth worlds without the crap of both worlds:

    IE: sex and intimicy without commentment and responsibility


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