oodad, I don't want to know the specific changes you needed to make. Being a JW husband, I can imagine you had some of the typical problems JW husbands have. And then problems a lot of non jw husbands have that end up amounting to a dull, lifeless relationship. And she did the things women do to amount to dull marriages. And at some point, many husbands and wives stop caring to repair the damage with counseling. They just don't care if the marriage works anymore. JW marriages are usually very burdensome for both mates. When they end, it's like a weight lifted off the shoulders of the mates. Then there comes the energy to exercise, diet, go back to school, etc.
Also Married Idiots here who claim having an Affair was "forced" on them by.....
by Witness 007 30 Replies latest watchtower scandals
FHN: By all accounts, she seems happier now, and I know I certainly am. Even our kids both said we should have separated YEARS ago. But then they add that we shouldn't have gotten divorced. Don't know how they think that'd work!?!?
I'm sure a lot of her frustration was that she suffered from extreme, chronic depression. The whole JW mentality is that nothing you do is ever good enough !
Reading the list I just made it is clear that she was projecting on ME the way that SHE felt about HERSELF.
How long were you married? It takes very strong chemistry and a lot in common, then taking care to grow in the same direction to keep a marriage of many years fresh and exciting.
I've said on this forum more than once, the JW concepts and expectations for marriage set couples up for bitter disappointment. No one can live up to those expectations all the time and for many years.
OOdad.You sound pretty cool. Did you marry the woman you had an affair with?
Found Sheep
FHN he said on his first post >20 years.... long time to be miserable
I was miserably married to a JW born in for over 20 years. I know what he's talking about. I am so glad I am not married to him anymore. I'd be single forever before I'd ever be in a JW marriage again, especially to him.
Found Sheep
how did you get out of it?
Thank you, I am cool!
And, Yes, I did marry the woman I had an affair with. She is my Hungarian Lover. Two JWN members, DNCall and Who Knows, were there!
How did I get out of it? Well, he threatened divorce all the time, to try to get me to "straighten up." I was out on Oahu, helping my daughter with her pregnancy, childbirth and to regain her strength afterwards. Julian was little at the time, so I needed to care for all three of them and help with the housework, shopping, cooking, etc. My ex called me and told me he saw a lawyer. I called his bluff and hired my own. I won't say either of us was more at fault. We were wrong for each other from the start.