If the GB and their suck ups were threatened with........

by punkofnice 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    ......the 'chair' or execution for crimes against humanity or whatever UNLESS they change doctrine eg 'no blood' and practices like 'shunning' and 'paedo protecting', would there suddenly be loadsa loadsa 'new light'(TM), changing these things as the GB protect their posteriors?

    ..or would the members of the GB gladly march to their death without changing a thing relishing the thought that they're being martyred for 'Jehovah'(TM)?

    ...........something I've wondered about.

  • sizemik

    Wholesale doctrinal changes at the behest of worldly authorities would sound their death-knell IMO.

    Their first response would be to fight it . . . a stand from which they would not withdraw I believe. The cries of persecution would be long and loud . . . and music to my ears.

  • Bangalore

    If they truly believe the WT teachings they might be willing to die for them I guess. If not perhaps they might modify their teachings. So I guess it comes down to whether they actually believe the WT teachings.


  • punkofnice

    sizemik - A win win situation nez pa? (Whatever 'nez pa' means I don't know, I just heard David Suchet playing 'Hercule Poirot' say it!)

    bangalore - I recon most of them know they're running a cult otherwise they wouldn't need to use propganda stunts in the dublications to keep the victims in the 'truth'(TM). I guess I'll never know for sure though!

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    the downside of the freedom of the USA... they hide behind religion and the law runs the other way

  • punkofnice

    found Sheep - Sadly, ze law is an ass!

    But WHAT IF???? Mwahahahaha!

  • designs

    Punk- They think they have found their legal solution on Blood Transfusions by having members 'automatically' Disassociated. The Legal Department never sleeps...

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I think most of them would save their own skins before sacrificing life and limb for the Borg. They are willing to sacrifice others readily. Themselves, I doubt it.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I recon most of them know they're running a cult otherwise they wouldn't need to use propganda stunts in the dublications to keep the victims in the 'truth'(TM).

    Punk: You have it summed up with that statement!

    (Acts 5:39) ". . . if it is from God, YOU will not be able to overthrow them;). . ."

    IF it was indeed The Truth (TM) , it could stand up to anything....any scrutiny....any criticism....any attack.....internal or external, and thus there would be no need to silence critics (shunning), no need to hide their past, no need to spin the yarns of propaganda (cult indoctrinization). Yet, the WTS's strategy would indicate that they do not believe it so. They rely on legal manipulations, theocratic warfare (even to the point of outright lying), abusive treatment of critics, and other smoke & mirror games (juggling doctrines) because obviously THEY LACK FAITH IN GOD PROTECTING THEM. If they were FROM GOD, they need not fear what anyone else does against them.

    Their own actions bear witness that they do not have faith in God's favor and protection upon them.

    (Romans 2:15) ". . .while their conscience is bearing witness with them and, between their own thoughts, they are being accused. . ."



    The WBT$ GB are`nt going to sacrifice themselves for anyone..

    They can change Doctrines and Rules in a heartbeat..

    JW`s believe what ever the WBT$ tells them,they believe..

    Nothing would change except the entire religion..

    JW`s would`nt bat an eye lash..


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