If the GB and their suck ups were threatened with........

by punkofnice 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • flipper

    There would suddenly be " new light " in order to save their financial behinds and so the middle aged GB ( aged 54 to 71 ) will have a cushy retirement home to live in - AKA Bethel upstate rural New York. As Outlaw so correctly states , " WBT Society aren't going to sacrifice themselves for anyone. " I second that opinion

  • punkofnice

    designs - Yes. It isn't from god, it's a filthy money making scam. That's why they have a legal department and all processes are so business like rather than Christian.

    Mad Sweeney - I agree. I think they know they're running a cult but it's a good lfe for them even if others die horribly for them. They don't give a monkey's!

    DOC -

    IF it was indeed The Truth(TM), it could stand up to anything....any scrutiny....any criticism....any attack.....internal or external,

    and thus there would be no need to silence critics (shunning)

    Spot on. send them to the chair!

  • punkofnice

    Outlaw - I figure the GB would do anything to save their skins, put a sugary spin on it, guilt the rank & file into obeying or else!!

    flipper - I deffo sway more to the side that they'd save their botties rather than martyr themselves. After all they preach not doing anything charitable for others. I recon that's so the money that would aid the vulnerable rather gets fed to the WBT$ - so that proves it really!

  • cantleave

    The spineless twats would blame everything on the elders, saying they never gave explicit guidance on such matters and elders have made choices based on their own judgement. With no written records or instructions, who could prove otherwise.

  • punkofnice

    cantleave - Agreed! They'd offload it all onto the rank & file like they did with the false prophecy of 1975. All the rank and file would go to the chair whilst the GB cashed in on the deceased's real estate and money. It's too diabolical not to be true.

  • clarity

    With every watchtower that hits the streets these days ......

    I am seeing how the old boys at bethel wets their finger and sticks it up in the air .................... to see which way the WIND IS BLOWING!!!

    Only then ... do they run back inside and print up the magazine!


  • punkofnice

    clarity - Yes! They are certainly 'reactive' rather than 'pro-active' these days.

    My take on it is that with the internet has overtaken the watchtower big time. They can't keep up. They cant keep control anymore. It's like a fairground game of crack-a-croc. Heads pop up, the GB try to hit them but too many heads pop up in random places and the GB aren't in control anymore.

    I figure those sods know they're running a cult and would do anything to save their own backsides!

  • wobble

    How quickly did "Noo Lite" appear on vaccinations when Knorr found out he had to have them to travel ?

  • punkofnice

    wobble - Nice one!

  • blondie

    Would the GB make adjustments....does Mexico and Malawi ring a bell. Or perhaps the years the WTS was not a "religion" in Mexico, did not pray or sing at the "KH"?

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