If the GB and their suck ups were threatened with........

by punkofnice 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    blondie - Oooooh Denis doobie dooo! Good point my fine bonnie lass!

    I'm thinking Mexico and Malawi wouldn't have directly threatened the lives of the GB themselves. I'm lead to conclude by their actions or lack of action the GB don't give a monkey's cuss about the lives of the rank & file as long as they the GB are OK........evidently!

    ...........but threaten the very lives of all the individual members of the GB and thier suck ups with execution.......let's see what would happen.

    I'm thinking more along the lines that they wouldn't martyr themselves for the 'cause' even though they'd expect the r&f to!

  • blondie

    Though not GB when in the concentration camp, Martin Poetzinger never forgot that he put his life on the line. The jw anointed are also told that they will go to heaven instantly while the rank and file will have to wait...IF they die. There is a reason why the WTS is headquartered in the US, partly the protection of religion is strong and that the US is seen as more financially secure, at least until recently. Also the WTS board of directors were put in prision around 1918...Rutherford also set up a d2d procedure that put many jws into jails during the 30's and 40's. But since Rutherford spent time in prison, he vowed that would never happen again. I grew up in a military family and the generals, etc., rarely were at physical risk and were making decisions that led to the death of the common soldier.

  • punkofnice

    blondie - As a side thought, I've heard it said the reason the JW cult's HQ is in the US was 'Jehovah' (TM) securing the best place for them.

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