Dangerous "Pent up" feelings inside of most witnesses?

by stuckinarut2 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stirred

    I am becoming more aware recently of how much damage I must heal from to be "normal" again. At first I wa insatiably reading and losing fears to read more as I quieted my mute trepedations. Now I am determined to get better but recognize I am in unhealthy state.... No self esteem, hyper sensitive to abusive speach or manners at work or in world. Still feel between worlds at times. Tremendous concern about what others think of me and yet an attitude of anticipation that I'm already written off...loser, dissappointmnet, weak and unworthy...fool.

    A big part of me is okay and I do venture out but I want to just stay away much of the time and work on healing, find work that supports me and find contentment again. I aspire to find joy again after I bury anxiety. Online resources and books, when I have time, is my main source of help. Thank you for posting. I resonate with so many posts in this thread. I concur, the damage is very real.

  • Heaven

    Xanthippe said: Sorry you've lost me Heaven?

    My apologies Xanthippe... I had to comment on the statement from your psychologist. I have always wondered about that ... all the repressive sexual rules and their effects.

    The remainder of my post was not related to your post. Brain is getting fried from work. ;0)

  • flipper

    In my opinion after having been born and raised in the JW cult since birth ( finally exited 11 years ago at age 44 ) the guilt that many people suffer from within the JW's comes from EXTREME lack of self esteem which the WT Society indoctrinates HEAVILY into JW's brain neurotransmitters.

    I'll give you a couple examples : For instance just think about how OFTEN we were told NOT to trust our own understanding, not to trust our SINFUL heart - but in actuality once we trusted our instincts we are usually right. Or we were told that due to our alleged " sin and imperfection " that the organization knew what our needs were more than we ourselves. But what WT leaders DO NOT tell you is that they have an angle or motive to tell us that. To make us BELIEVE that we cannot trust ourselves. Because it will make them more money $$$$ if we trust them - and not ourselves. THAT is the angle they aren't honest about.

    So once we discover that WT Society making us feel insecure about ourselves is ALL about their needs - and not about our needs- then the picture becomes perfectly clear- WT leaders are conning us into becoming co-dependent on them for everything and creating us into pathetic little weaklings unable to think for ourselves. That's why it's so infuriating to them once we start thinking for ourselves. They lose their hold on our minds and lose out financially if people leave

  • OnTheWayOut

    Religion invented "sin." Sin is used to apply guilt to the member in order for them to try to minimize the guilt through donations. Apparently, back in the days the donation could have been a goat or other prized meat animal. But it eventually turned to money.

    The dangerous mind-control cult known as Watchtower uses that very much so. You feel guilty that you didn't get more than the average number of hours in recruiting, or that you didn't ask for voluntary donations at the door, or that you skipped a meeting or three. You feel guilty that you watched an R-rated movie or viewed pornography or listened to rap music.

    Yes, the guilt is way more damaging than the act, because the act is typically NOTHING TO BE ASHAMED OF.

    I do not subscribe to even the existence of "SIN" anymore. Evil exists and so does bad intent and mistakes. But conforming a conscience to feel guilty over matters that should be personal decisions is just wrong. If one person feels that abortion is okay or that casual sex is okay, they may change their feelings later and they may not. But I no longer judge that person. Who am I to determine these matters for another person?

  • freemindfade
    Just remember religion is an answer to a question no one asked... live your life
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Lets face it, we all have a core desire to have a joyful experience of


    The more connected you are with yourself, the lesser your chances of

    holding onto any deluded desires ( joyful life as a JW). By "staying connected

    with yourself", I mean have a deep sense of the NATURAL makeup of

    your brain(including its core personality), rest in your being and thus allow

    the intelligence of your life-stream to touch your mind. Most deluded desires

    are created through a lack of understanding of one's own true nature and

    by fueling a psychological craving over wisdom.

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