Hi Joseph,
The Bible is NOT in error, but it is playing games with you. Remember, even Jesus said he gave information out in the form of parables so that outsiders would not understand. Thus consider my vew of things:
The Jews used the name "Mary" as commonly as one would find among those int he Latin culture. Look how many Marys there were? It was a super common name.
Mary Magdalene was a title, apparently referring to a house servant or housekeeper companion. This was part of their culture.
What happened with the gospels was that there were actually three Mary Magdalenes or women named Mary who served as "maids" in the households of those persons associated with Jesus. But each of these Mary Magdalenes did come to the tomb at different times. So that there would not be conflict and confusion, all three accounts of when each Mary Magdalene appeared at the tomb had to be covered by one of the gospels. Thus each handles a different. Now the gospel writers would assume that once you saw how each account was different you'd understand there were three different Mary Magdalenes, plus they understaood the concept of a "Magdalene" and what that meant. But Bible "crictics" like yourself, without understanding the cultural background, nor the style of the gospels, would find an "error" in the accounts. Now I can appreciate your position, but if there were really three Mary Magdalenes, the ONLY THING MISSING is a statement to that effect in one of the gospels then all would be over. But the Jews don't like overstating the "obvious" so the statement is not there.
So, therefore, consider how very, very different each reference is.
The first Mary Magdalene must have been the houseservant of Peter and John since she is associated with them. She came to the tomb when it was still dark and alone. She saw Jesus and thought he was the gardner and then did obeisance to him. She was ALONE. Then she went to tell Peter and John.
Then shortly after that, "late in the morning" just before dawn, another Mary Magdalene and companion to "the Other Mary" came to the tomb. Note that Mary Magdalene #1 did not come with spices. Also the second Mary Magdalene and "other Mary" did not have spices, which is something usually the family members took care care. They came just to watch the tomb. They arrived later and found Jesus gone. But on their way from the tomb they encountered him on the road and then did obesiance to him. This is an entirely separate account! They were then told to go tell the disciples, which they did.
The third Mary Magdalene is specifically attached to Mary the mother of Jesus and Joanna and others who came after sunrise!!! It was day when they went to the tomb and they had spices since they were relatives of Jesus. Again note Mary Magdalene is attached to another group of people. The first one was attached to John and Peter. The second one in the company of the "other Mary" and now this one, coming after sunrise with Jesus' relatives. These women, though, were too afraid to report back anything about what they saw.
So that's it. There is no conflict. The gospels each give a separate account so you can figure out exactly when each of the three Mary Magdalenes went to the tomb, and it must have been common knowledge among then which one was which.
So, in this case, there is no conflict, only not understanding the entire situation and not trusting that these gospel writers couldn't get a few facts straight, which addresses the prejudice of some who want to jump to quick conclusions about the errors in scripture, when in fact, they simply don't understand fully how the gospels work.
Mary is a very common name in those days, and there just happened to be three Mary Magdalenes working for three different families who were close to Jesus. That's it. The gospel writers are not morons as you'd have us to believe, but maybe some Biblical critics come close to that when they don't do their necessary research.