Isn't it funny how many Christians will laugh at the story about how Joseph Smith came accross the tablets of gold, and transcribed them with the help of Moroni, thus producing the Book of Mormon, and dismiss it, and yet get really bent out of shape when people do the same thing to the New Testament? Despite the fact the only real difference between the Gospels' claim to provability and the Book of Mormon's claim to provability, other than doctrine, is two thousand years?
The Bible is NOT in error, but it is playing games with you... the reason why this was presented is likely to trip up those who do not want to accept Bible truth... will present the truth in such a way that it can't be believed by an unbeliever even if it were explained in detail... So if you're confounded by the scriptures, you shouldn't presume it is unintentional...
jesus, or whatever you think you are, I'd like you to thank you for making me laugh. My personal reading is, that if any substancial portion of the Bible is true as regards god and stuff, then god is a sicko game player. I'm glad you agree.
Believe what you want, Josephus, but you can't PROVE that there were not three different Mary Magdalenes, which there were,
you can't prove. Funny how the Gospel is well down on those who stumble their brothers, but how some Christians make the arguement from obscurity, which causes an unavoidable stumbling to those who require reasonable certainty rather than blind bleating faith. Oh, by the way, you are a liar whose portion will be in the lake of fire. I am Jesus.
logical; You ask "what do you expect from man, perfection?" No, I expect that from god. I have edited a newspaper. I know about the process. If god edited the Bible, then he was incompetant. Oh, and this was funny;
Have fun ripping the bible to pieces if it makes you happy, although its pointless cos any true believers already know it is
If the believers know the Bible is inaccurate,
what do they believe in and how do they know what to believe? God speaking to you too? Man I feel left out, he hasn't rung me in ages. Or are you taking someone else's word for what to believe in? Like the Fitfull Deoderant Salve? Or Larsguy? Or Shelby? Or RexB13? Or Clash_City_Rock? Or anewperson? Or aCHristian? If the 'manual' you base your beliefs in is, by your own admission, inaccurate, and there is no agreement even in the small sample of Christian viewpoints I have mentioned above (all of who believe they are right), then
h o w d o y o u k n o w w h a t t o b e l i e v e ?
If all you have is a little gow inside, all you have is what some of the above claim to have, and I BET you don't agree with all of their views, so how do we know you are right.
A loving god would not allow such a dreadful state of confusion and termoil; people wasting lives sincerely believing in something by accident of birth or happen-chance that is WRONG.
This alone, bar the lack of proof of god, bar the evidence that the Bible is just a book, uninspired, is clear evidence to the fact that god is either not loving or not there.
speechless; Let me paraphrase what you said;
"If it is possible that the Easter Bunny is real, then it is also possible that Santa and the Tooth Fairy are real, and hence all fairy stories may be truth."
If that's your standard of belief, good luck to you. I hope you stay well away from people selling MLM schemes.
RWC; hello again. You say;
Are you saying that an atheist will say that since I can't prove that any particular God exists, but I can't say that no God exists, that I will simply choose not to believe in any God, even though there may be one? And you call that logic and reasoning? You spend all your efforts attempting to destory all religions and than say that I am not saying that no God exists, just that all of you are wrong. I say again, nonsense.
Let's try that from the other point of view;
"Are you saying that a theist will say that since I can't prove that any particular god exists, or indeed prove that any gods exist, that I will simply choose to believe in any god, even though there may not be one? And you call that logic and reasoning? You spend all your efforts attempting to defend your religion and yet have no proof that god exists, just that anyone who says that god doesn't exist is wrong. I say again, nonsense."
You skate around Pascal's wager, do a triple loop over the moral decrepititude of the arguement of obscurity Christians are soooooooo fond of, and then come out with unsubstansiated assertions;
Of course you start with the presumption that there is no evidence of God. There is ample of evidence if you accept it. The problem is that atheist do not accept the evidence that God exists.
1/ Give one piece of evidence (as in, stand up in a court of law, beyond reasonable doubt evidence) to support this assertion. Remember my invisable 12' purple bunny wouldn't stand-up as provable in a court of law, and gods tend to suffer from the same problem, so I look forward to your response.
2/ Stop making it the atheists problem that there is no evidence that god exists. We didn't allegedly make the Univesre in such a way that leaves no proof. We didn't allegedly inspire a book that contains scientific inaccuracies and internal contradictions. We didn't hide ourselves from the world in such a way that there is more proof for the most profindly esoteric theories of physics involving the first 1x10>34 seconds of this Universe and before than there is for god. It is not our fault there is no evidence for god that would stand-up in a court of law. It is god's fault (if fault can be assigned to a mythical being), and any arguement that this is deliberate is morally and logically reprehensible.
Love and kisses to everyone
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...