Friend says I'm an apostate..
by mariemcg 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
sorry am goint to write this now clicked the wrong button..
Found Sheep
you have nothing to say about that... I get it
I always copy what I write, just in case it doesn't work.
I went in to hospital for an op yesterday; my friend who is an unbaptised pub then told me he was unable to look after me due to me beimng female( even though the elders know i'm transgendered M-F) Perfect timing just as i was coming out or recovery from a GA...
I told him to go home i was so angry- i could of arranged something else
We had another discusion about the society- I mentioned the child molestation cases in Australia. He put me down for looking at things other than watchtower. org.
I explained that i was mearly stating facts from the news explained why would people lie about being molested. He said they were tellings lies and this is satan's doing.. From then on he accused me of being an apostate.
He turned round and ssaid to me - you have to face facts that you will not be acceptable to jehovah as you are because you are wearing womens clothes( I', post op and have been for 12 years) it's quoted " a man must not put on the mantle of a women" i said to him what about people that are born with both??
He couldn't answer me...
I sent him a text- We've both upset each other, I'm not against the society but am aware they make mistakes as we do because we are imperfect humans.. We all have a common bond and that is Jehovah God through Jesus. Gal 3 v 28...
I'm so upset he won't even respond to my calls or anything..
I'm still a novice to these forums. This is the first time i've joined one..
Found Sheep
If I recall your story from before. You are trying to be part of a group that will never let you be who you are. This will not be your last painful conversation. Some may be nicer then others.
I'm sorry you are hurting.
Love and peace to you
I know FS; i'm begining to wonder if i'm flogging a dead horse here re the "truth"
Sorry to hear that you are being subjected to this whilst unwell. Your friend is exhibiting the conflicts that jws do since they judge everything before deciding what they will or will not do. He appears conflicted on one hand saying that he can't help you because you are female and then saying that you are really male and should not be wearing female attire.
It is not apostasy to know what is happening in the world and being concerned about reports of child molestation. However jws are taught not to question the gb and not to look at news reports that are critical of the society. They are taught to believe that these bad things do not happen. The sad fact is your friend is burying his head in the sand. He is allowing a group of men to dictate his conscience. It is this fear of rocking the boat that allows bad things to happen and why bad men can continue unhindered.
You will come across this more and more especially if you express doubts, this religion thrives on conformity and obedience. Whilst you are looking into your beliefs it may be worth avoiding discussing these issues with your friend he is not ready to listen at the moment.
My friend has now stoped talking to me and is going to tell the elders in my cong..