I know you're right but it seems so hard to let go of something you've known since birth.
Friend says I'm an apostate..
by mariemcg 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
My sister Sarah belongs to a strong support group of transgender people.
Thats great! I'm sure sh'e getting all the support and love that she needs. xx
Black Sheep
I'm sort of fussy with religions( strange i know) do they believe Jehovah is god? what are thier veiws on life after death??
been looking in net
These are nothing but doctrines that a high control group has taught you do differentiate them from other groups.
It's all a part of their mind control technique. They convince you that a certain doctrine must be true, then that they are the only one that teach it, therefore you are stuck with them no matter what other doubts you have to suppress.
You've no doubt heard, "Where else shall we go?", the intimation being that there isn't anywhere else that teaches those truths.
I recommend that you suspend your search until you hone up your critical thinking skills. At the moment you seem to be searching for a doppelganger to the high control group that is already burning you and if you are not careful, you will find one. You should be able to find some good books on critical thinking at the library.
We had another discusion about the society- I mentioned the child molestation cases in Australia. He put me down for looking at things other than watchtower. org.
I explained that i was mearly stating facts from the news explained why would people lie about being molested. He said they were tellings lies and this is satan's doing.. From then on he accused me of being an apostate.
This is exactly what they are taught to do when someone presents information that has obviously come from an opposing source.
If you want to get a point across to a JW, you have to do it in a way that doesn't trip any alarm bells. If you really want them to get the point, you must do it as a sincere question, using their own knowledge or literature as a source, in a manner that makes them feel obliged to answer you, and guilty if they don't. Doing that might get your point across, but it won't make them your friend.
Thank you Black Sheep- i do feel i need to recover from this expieriance.. i'm not going to join any other orgs.. x
Good advice Black Sheep IMHO.
You're transgender and 12 years past op, and that's OK to him but telling him about news in Australia isn't OK? They have very flexible rules about what is OK and what isn't. I think you're out of your mind if you seriously consider becoming a JW.
wha happened?
If your not baptized I don't understand why your freind felt compelled to "go to the elder." You status basically means that everyone else needs to mind their own business.
I know Jdubs can be friendly but I don't see the point of re-introducing yourself to the most judgemental, and mentally deficiant group of fleeced sheep on earth. If you have any ability to think on your own, than I suggest you do so with others who have your welfare in mind.
On another note, we did have a person who was studying in our congregation. Pre-op. When baptism came up, a letter to Bethel was sent about making a dedication. The letter came back that he should only get baptized with his original gender. So a group like this will expect u to change to their ideal. Whatever that is.