Only JWs Can Understand The Bible
by leavingwt 36 Replies latest jw friends
LeavingWT, that quote just segue's so well to why JW's believe that garbage about the 7 trumpet blasts of Revelation to be the International Assemblies arranged by JW's.
It's really astounding that we at some point, actually believed that.
wha happened?
well 00DAD, you're going through what a lot of of have. I remember my head spinning from all the inconsistancies that I just accepted back then.
cult classic
Good topic and discussion you guys.
Here's the deal. If only Jehovah's Witlesses can understand the Bible, then why do they wuss out when confronted by someone at the other side of the door that puts up even mild resistance against the message? If I could understand something and no one else could, I would be able to easily defend my viewpoint against virtually everyone else. Whether it be apostates or people that are deeply into the book, I should be able to stand my ground no matter what the other side had to say. I might not be able to win the other side, but they wouldn't win me, either.
Seems I understand the Bible better now as an apostate (and on Satan's side, at that--believing that Jesus and Satan tried to liberate man from Jehovah's wickedness) than I ever did as a witless.
Only JWs Can Understand The Bible
So I'd better make plans to ''stay alive 'til '75!'' ....oh, wait............
I'd better make sure if the men of sodom will get a resurrection or not...........oh, wait................
I'd better check how the 'generation' is getting on...which one? ................oh,wait............'overlapping'............wha?
That Only JWs Can Understand The Bible doesn't explain 'new light' (TM).
As seenitall pointed out, we have a multitude of excellent commentaries by REAL scholars on the Bible that go back hundreds of years, bringing out the somewhat deeper aspects of exoteric reading. However, the Bible is written so that the initiates would learn the truth and the masses would be led off into Nowhereland, spiritually dead as a doornail and always looking to some church, teacher or savior to rescue them from their ignorance and worthlessness. Fully controlled and harmless "sheep", to the present Pharisaic World Order. Never a threat to the status quo, which is enslavement of the masses by the Power Elite. In other words, the ones at the top who stole and continue to steal and horde all the money. The initiates, however, would be fully indoctrinated with the knowledge that they were potential gods and how to find the "Holy Grail". They could use that knowledge to either incarnate the Christ or Incarnate the Devil.
The adepts, Illuminists, Sages, Gnostics et al recognized the esoteric value of the Bible stories... so therefore they fully understood how we got here and what our purpose is. Madame Blavatsky called the literalists "The Profane". Paul said that when people were ready to get off the milk they could be given the meat. Then he clearly and unambiguously refers to the story of Sarah and Hagar as an allegory. Anyone who tries to figure it out literally after that is a fool and publicly declares that he wishes to remain a fool.
The Watchtower, therefore, cannot even begin to interpret "milk" properly. They are lost at sea. Let alone the "meat". The real Truth, if shown to them, would be immediately deemed as Satanic, and they will keep running from it. This is a rock solid guarantee that they will never wake up, never achieve Gnosis, never become One with God.
What utter fools, and delusionally full of themselves to boot.