regularily attending church and participating in a faith community produces discipline, motivation, fear/reverence, willingness, joy in communion/recognition of the Body, fidelity, regulation, and anticipation...
So does "regularly" following, listening to, and being in union with Christ, Michelle. Which is actually cheaper and potentially has a greater reward: everlasting life.
and it is a great place of rest from labours!
So is Christ. Matthew 11:28-30 most certainly does demonstrate something to God.
Yep, it does. Just not what you think it does. It does what the temple "church" and its features did when it was around... which Christ condemned. Interestingly, he didn't establish any church (as you mean that term) or religion after. Men wickedly did, though... which he said they would do.
I'm thinking that your demon belphegor just doesn't like church because his intention is to promote strife, distrust, jealousy and dissatisfaction in relationships.
Christ loves the church, blasphemer. He gave his life for it. The church that is his Body, the "temple" made up of PEOPLE... which exists wherever even TWO are gathered... IN HIS NAME... which name you do not even know or recognize... cannot even utter, apparently, but only blaspheme... and not the churches that are handmade by men... the congegrations of which are picked by man's designs... and not holy spirit.
You need to go to [a] church, Michelle? Go to [a] church. DO you.
love michelle
Please... do your lies NEVER cease? Oh, wait... of course not: YOUR father (you know, the one who keeps trying to falsely pass himself off as an angel of [the] Light) won't allow it. Sad, that.
A slave of Christ,