I think the current "generation" of "those who [truly] count" are more interested in "reality" than sci-fi fantasy, dear Cap'n (peace to you!). I mean, have you counted the number of reality shows on TV these days?? I think for a series like Star Trek to succeed, they would have to find a way to sustain the fantasy... which could be quite expensive (i.e., instantly opening doors won't cut it anymore, as Jer pointed out). It would have to have some over-the-top "futuristic" stuff, then.
The truth is, I'm not sure "we" know what that is, right now. I mean, look at how many flicks are going "back to the beginning", back historically, even back to medieval times and tales... rather than forward to the future. Or making old tales look both historic and futuristic (300, Avatar, Immortals, etc.). The "future" was more imaginable a few decades/centuries ago: things depicted did not exist, at least not in the "normal" world (militaristically is another thing). With current technology, however, our imaginations can't really... well... imagine! There is no limit... so anything anyone comes up with is probably already obsolete by the time the script dries. The closest we seem to be getting seems to be involved with video gaming.
That mind, the one that CAN imagine the "future" far enough out there (even if, in the style of Star Trek, the Jetsons, and Disneyland's "TommorowLand", it becomes obsolete in merely a few decades) hasn't publicly graced us with its presence on a large scale, yet. Hopefully, someone's got something in the "works" with him/her/them... and so won't keep us waiting too much longer!
Until then, peace... and live long and prosper, my fellow anticipatory intergalactic romantics!
SA, on her own...