The music that moves you....

by FlyingHighNow 444 Replies latest social entertainment

  • caliber

    A glass of red wine spent
    Recalling life's event
    mourning not waking up
    next to my beloved
    To warm my hopeful spirit
    Yet now numbed to the cold
    for life must go on
    to thus bury myself
    In solitude
    For we have walked different paths
    And have known different fears.
    And that which now brings you laughter
    Might well bring me many tears.

    I need to explore what sustains me
    from the inside
    when all else falls away.
    I want to know if I can be alone
    with myself
    and if I truly like the company I keep
    in the empty moments
    in this unchosen solitude

  • Dagney

    @JRK: Warren just slays me.

  • FlyingHighNow

    None of you commented on my original song I posted. Did any of you listen to it? Wait, I am talking about the newer thread I made about atmospheric music. Nevermind.

  • caliber
  • caliber

    Long Ago, there was a bird who sang just once in its life.

    From the moment it left its nest, it searched for a thorn tree.

    and it never rested until it found one.

    Then it began to sing more sweetly

    than any other creature on the face of the earth.

    And singing, it impaled its breast on the longest, sharpest thorn.

    But as it was dying, it rose above its own agony

    to out-sing the lark and the nightingale.

    The thorn bird pays its life for that one song

    and the whole world stills to listen

    and God, in His heaven ~smiles.

    As its best was bought only at the cost of great pain.

    Driven to the thorn, with no knowledge of the dying to come.

    But when we press the thorn to our breast,

    We know........

    We understand.....

    And still......we do it.

  • caliber

    There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief... and unspeakable love.

    Washington Irving

  • caliber
  • Flat_Accent

    Bumping this thread. Here's one I was listening to last night, though not while drinking red wine (I was on heavier stuff).

    You don't have to know dutch to like it, just know the chorus goes

    Red wine, red wine, come let us be merry!

  • caliber

    be with someone ...who won't stay mad at you...who can't stand not talking to you.... and who is afraid of losing you

  • Twitch

    Classic 80's canadjan, eh?

    Sass Jordan as the prominent backup singer

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