Zen's Rant on Ayn Rand - intelligent responses appreciated

by Dogpatch 70 Replies latest forum announcements

  • DaCheech

    Buzzy, designs, and friends................ you are the BIGGEST hypocrites of the world!

    if you denounce this work, and you believe in working for the greater good.............. then why you and your public union workers never give a concession for the benefit of all?

    there are old people loosing their houses, because they can't afford the property taxes................ you should be ashamed!

    can't even contribute $15 out of your paycheck to help balance the budget.

    How about when you're asked: "concede a little ad there will be NO layoffs", what do you hypocrites do? NO CONCESSIONS!

    and there goes those poor newly hired ones in the street!

    DaCheech, the one who sees it!

    DaCheech, the one who has more connections in city politics than you think!

    can't fool me!

  • designs

    You're the guy on the Freeway Exit with the Cardboard sign, I'll be sure to donate

  • DaCheech

    again, words......... you're actions speak otherwise

  • botchtowersociety
    I find that frightening. Don't you?

  • designs

    DaC- The journeymen Union Construction class I teach hasn't seen a raise in years among its members, probably pre 2006.

  • DaCheech

    I think the basis of the Liberal rant is a cult called LEECHISM.

    normal people: 1 educate, 2 get experience, 3 work.

    if there is a problem, then normal people can resort to state/government aid..........

    LEECHISM, uses the phylosophy that the rich don't deserve their money, to keep on working the system.

    they don't stop at food stamps, they get handouts from 10 diffrent government programs, and 10 more private charity programs........

    LEECHISM, is worst than Randism, for when group from the normal people loose job/health --> they get a rude awakening that there's no $$$$ there for them!

    better make friends with the LEECHISM group to find the loopholes on working the system!

  • NewChapter

    LOL----so, judging from the responses of Rand's ardent, fanatical supporters---anyone who disagrees with her ideas is stupid, unable to think for themselves, prone to join a cult (which is really ironic considering the forum), and blind followers.

    So think like THEM, don't disagree, don't question, or you can never be enlightened! LOL! Freaking hysterical.

    I didn't know about this woman until a few days ago. I find her ideas repulsive. I'm sure supporters (believers) can pick out a few gems that sound reasonable and all can agree with them. But overall it's all about selfishness and superiority. Case in point---I will probably be called stupid and unenlightened for holding such a view.

    Remember when we were all Witnesses and convinced that only we were right, and anyone that disagreed were just wrong? That's why I find half the posts here ironic.


  • botchtowersociety
  • NewChapter

    Had no Idea who she was, until Buzzy and friends started a stupid thread the other day

    Great thread, Dogpatch. Terry, your opening statement sums up the typical Rand hater and their completely non-intellectual response to her writings. (Several posters above completely proved your point.)

    just keep on snickering with your useless brains.

    I think the basis of the Liberal rant is a cult called LEECHISM.

    BTS, I was referring to comments like the above, not really to you or Terry. It just made me smile when I saw the personal attacks come out for those that criticize Rand's ideas. Others actually have been trying to present them, support them and clarify them. Which is fine. And some just choose to say, "if you don't see it my way, you're just stoooopid!" It just struck me as funny.


  • DaCheech

    NewChapter, same here about Designs' non responses and snickering

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