by You Know 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • plmkrzy

    Placing someone's name and address on a public board for all to see for any reason is ridiculous, but especially just because you don't like what they have to say? It should be grounds for getting kicked out for sure. If that's what this board would be turning into definitely count me out! I would gladly go somewhere else where my privacy would be a little more respected then that. I certainly don't agree with everyone on everything but thats the point in having a discussion forum.

    "The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you."
    - Kin Hubbard
  • dubla


    just curious, did you learn about the u.n. issue from this website?


  • 2SYN

    Hm, some intelligent writing there YK. You manage to pull off sounding like a staff writer brilliantly, I must say. But then towards the end of the article you meander over into OJ land...

    You are like the Luke Skywalker of the Society. You wander around in the most dangerous territory of all, amongst people who are allowed to think for themselves, and yet you remain untainted. That at least garners a bit of my respect - your sheer bloody-mindedness is quite admirable, in the same way that a ship hitting an iceburg and not stopping because of it's sheer forward momentum is.

    Your only failing point here is that I don't see any 'purification' happening in the Society.

    Bull. Twang. (I don't like swearing much, its juvenile!)

    I don't happen to have noticed that the brother who obtained ye olde famous library card has been disfellowshipped. Oh no. Never will that happen, d00D.

    Remember, your precious Society will terminate your membership in God's Kingdom if they catch wind that you are posting here. All it takes is one phone call, and you are a shunned man, unless you kiss the azzes of the Elders in your Judicial Hearing and show 'repentance' (ahaha). Even then there's still a great chance that they'll boot you out of the Mother BOrg merely for questioning the Society's utterings, let alone posting something like this. Even going to an Apostate website is probably enough. Think about it. Consider your options. Realize the tRo0F.

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • You Know
    You Know
    Your only failing point here is that I don't see any 'purification' happening in the Society.

    No, there's no failing on my part. That's because that cleansing doesn't take place until Christ arrives. Christ's presence and his arrival for judgment are two totally different things. When Jesus arrives you will know it. / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know
    just curious, did you learn about the u.n. issue from this website?

    Actually, I knew about the Watchtower's NGO status about five years ago. When I first heard about NGOs I became curious about what they were and in my research, going down a list of NGOs, I came across the Watchtower. I didn't really know what to make of it at the time and just sort of forgot about it. / You Know

  • hawkaw
    Actually, I knew about the Watchtower's NGO status about five years ago.
    .... in my research, going down a list of NGOs, I came across the Watchtower.

    What list? Seeing everything is in the open now.


  • Larsguy

    Hi YK,

    You know, YK, I hadn't really paid that much attention to this U.N. thing until so many people are making such a big deal about it.

    But maybe this is a critical breach and has to do with the prophecy in Revelation. Perhaps you would now consider commenting on it?

    The specific reference is where the "Lamb-Dragon" beast which comes "out of the earth", representing it coming out of Jehovah's organizational arrangement and thus referring to the G.B. ends up causing its followers to "worship the wild beast" and becomes in-consert with the "666 Beast" which comes "out of the sea."

    Of course, you have already commented about the multitudinous varying and unsubtantiated teachings of Christendom which are likes the waves of the water. That is why they are considered to come "out of the sea", though their primary false doctrine, the trinity doctrine, is part of it's name, the "666" which represents the trinity.

    In contrast, of course, the more concrete understanding of scripture is depicted as the "earth", firm Biblical doctrine. But we see clearly that the Lamb Beast, who resembles followers of Christ, his sheeplike anointed priests have now spoken quietly like a dragon does, deceiptively, and causes specifically those on the earth to "worship the wild beast".

    Now, since the UN is, indeed, considered a "wild beast" and per your analysis the WTS has caused the organizational members to become collectively guilty of worshipping this beast, I'm wondering if this prophecy is not being specifically fulfilled. That is, is the beast the apostate GB causing it's members to worship a reference to the UN and/or Satan the Devil himself, as you claim!!

    You are saying that is precisely the case.

    What I'm saying is that it is possible this was specifically prophesied about and thus would be significant.


    Had you noticed that the GB as the "Lamb Dragon Beast" would eventually mislead the organization and specifically cause them to worship the beast? That is Satan/U.N.?

    You're saying that is precisely the case. And I'm saying if the L-D Beast coming out of the Earth represents the apostate GB, which it does, then this would seem to be an incredibly precisely prophetic fulfillment.

    I apologize for not having considered this more significant before now, but in my research the GB is guilty of so many other gross sins and falsehoods, this just seemed like another minor one on top of the pile. But maybe it merits more particular attention.

    Anyway, the Bible says the GB would cause its followers to "worship the beast" so I have to see if we can apply that to the UN. If so, you have just outlined the fulfillment of that prophecy!!!

    Thanks, YK!!!

    In fact, I've always wondered which "beast" was really being referred to!! Maybe Armageddon is REALLY only a few months away,then...


  • Larsguy


    I apologize for this piecemeal but suddenly it's quite exciting now that this has come out this way.

    You'll easily understand this. The context of when Revelation says: "Get out of her MY PEOPLE..." with reference to Babylon the Great, can only imply that they, indeed, would be dabbling in some way into the Babylon the Great mysteries.

    But it is interesting that central to "Babylon the Great" is central to the U.N. and is associated with the the ancient "mysteries". That is, plenty will substantiate the connection between the CFR, Bilderbergs, Trilater Commission, Committee of 300 and the "Illuminati" and Freemasonry with the U.N. In fact when presented to some that the U.N. would destroy these "mystery-cult" background organization, there was a disdaining sneer since as far as some are concerned, the U.N. is synonymous and controlled by these groups anyway and is simply another arm of "Babylon the Great."

    But now that you've pointed out the "collective" guilt of the organization by this connection to the U.N. then "getting out of her, my people" is quite pertinent! Since Babylon the Great and the U.N. are as synonymous as you can get.

    So maybe this is the time when those awake in the organization are supposed to leave it!!! If being in the organization means becoming guilty by association with Babylon the Great via the U.N. then that makes the organization part of the Babylon the Great and thus one must leave the organization not to "share in her sins and receive a part of her plauges"!.

    I had only assumed that a large number of witnesses were actually secret Freemasons and that is what it meant, and that remains true, but it would seem that the light is being shown that the organization is more directly connected with Babylon the Great than thought and now in order "not to receive part of her plagues" one must leave the organization!

    So YK, are you ready to leave your favorite organization in order to "get out of her MY PEOPLE!"

    Let's face it. There has to be SOME POINT when "my people" recognize they are "IN" Babylon the Great and need to get out. If the witness organization has just become another apostate branch of the "new world order" organization connected to the U.N. and it's goals, then maybe in order NOT to be part of that connection one must now leave the organization. Thus "GET OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE" acknowledges that at this point, the organization IS part of Babylon the Great, and a defunct priestly organization,just as defunct as the priesthood became in ancient Israel before God destroyed it.

    But that seems also quite clear since both the "false prophet"/Lamb-Dragon Beast(GB of JW) and the 666-Beast (Christendom) are thrown into the lake of fire, together, at the same time, "while still alive". So if you're a part of the organization when it is destroyed, that means you would be destroyed. So those not wanting to be destroyed, must "get out of her!"

    So, You Know, it would seem you're spiritual insight is right on the money! The organization IS now considered a part of "Babylon the Great" after all and it's now time to "Get Out of her, MY PEOPLE." That's consistent with a time when God's people, up to that point, would have been in Babylon, the Great. But when they REALIZE they are part of that "mysteries" organization or that it's leaders have joined the apostate "new world order" then in order to get saved you must "GET OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE!"

    So, apparently, it is not too late, but it's also time to move!

    So You Know, it's finally TIME for you to "get out of her"!

    We must be very close to Amrageddon in that case.

    The day You Know turns on the organization he has been worshipping up until now, we know the END IS HERE!!! RIGHT?

    It must be!!!

    NICE POST, YK!!!

    We'll be watching to see how long you will hold onto that golden calf as your mediator and "ark of salvation" before you realize it's leading you now into the abyss and into the lake of fire...


  • COMF

    Still calling for the death of those you envy, eh? And now you've added a new fun topic... dung. That follows logically.


  • Bang

    Well, it seems I'm here to reply to this.

    But, in reality, the prophecy applies to the anointed priests of the Christian era who are similarly in a legally binding covenant relationship with Jehovah God.
    JWs are not anointed priests or christian. They are not priests as they have never recieved authority to be or do so, actual or implied. It has not been passed down to them, nor does their understanding in any way reveal divine intervention.

    There is simply no way that Christendom’s hundreds of diverse sects could make up any sort of unified spiritual nation.

    Not only christians, but people of good will from all religions are a brotherhood. JWs put themselves on the outer of this, and how so? As you have said -

    his angels would “collect out of his kingdom all things causing stumbling and all persons doing lawlessness.”
    His angels, the poor and needy, cause those who go against the law written on their hearts to gather together outside the kingdom.

    This taking “possession of the daughter of a foreign god as a bride” may well be referring to the Watchtower’s hypocritical attachment to the United Nations Organization.
    Delusional to the point of requiring medical assistance.

    Christ is going to refine his servants through discipline and adversity
    His discipline of good deeds, and adversity of bearing fundamentalism (amongst other things).

    That explains, by the way, why the growth in the organization has stopped in many countries,
    What about information ? The internet?

    in line to get it right in the face. That should make some people very happy
    Spoken in the true JW spirit.


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