Hi everyone
A few comments from Muddy Waters and Mummatron on another thread peaked my curiosity and led me to revisit some of the illustrations in the My Book of Bible Stories. I don't appear to have my old copy from when I was a child (thankfully), so I checked out the images over on Watchtower.org where the entire book can be read online. The images below are taken from what is displayed on that website, although it wouldn't surprise me if there are equally awful images that haven't been used.
So which of the images below are the most grotesque and inappropriate for children? Or are there others that I haven't shown below?
Cain kills Abel
Badness in Enoch's day
Noah's flood
"Wise" King Solomon resolves a custody issue
Jezebel is thrown out of a window
Jesus on the stake
Stephen being stoned
As I said, I'm sure there are more that are equally grotesque, but I look forward to hearing your thoughts.