The sky in the first picture of the OP. Is that suppose to depict the "water canopy"?
What are the worst pictures in My Book of Bible Stories?
by cedars 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Luke, I think it's only a sunset. If you look at the paradise picture with Adam and Eve, you will see no sky canopy. Oops, they forgot!
I remember my father throwing out my comic books because they portrayed violence and demonic images. Even at that early age I saw it as the pot calling the kettle black.
The only one that really bothered me was Abraham sacrificing Isaac. When studying with my dad I asked what he'd do if Jehovah asked him to kill me. He said it'd be terribly difficult, but he'd have to do it. I've had nightmares for decades about him slitting my throat. Thanks WBTS.
Missing Link, How sick is that!!! When my kids asked me questions like that I would try to divert their attention to an excuse I made up in my own mind to justify that picture. I would tell them Jehovah knew Abraham would know that this was only a symbolic situation to let Abraham know that Jehovah was goint to do that same thing when he sent his son Jesus down to be sacrificed and Isaac and Jacob knew this.
Sic Semper Tyrannis
I always was a little weirded out by all the Armageddon imagery. In the MBOBS, as I rememeber they had all these horses with men mounted on them with swords drawn coming out of the red clouds. Jesus was wearing a crown and ready to do some serious damage. I was always reminded that I needed to keep my field service hours up to avoid being on the ass-end of those swords. The WT had even worse depictions of the big A. There were skyscrapers and churches crumbling in the background while people were getting killed by stones and fire coming out of the sky. Sodom and Gomorrah were always depicted the same sadistic way, albeit minus the modern setting. Come to think of it, I don't think the Society has ever depicted the scene of the men beegint o have sex with the angels at lot's place. Guess their artists wouldn't know where to start with trying to draw aggressively gay men in ancient Hebrew garb.
All those pictures set in Africa and The Middle East, yet not one black person..... Racist gits.
The pic that started my brain thaw. 4 year old son asked- What did the kids do wrong??