Brings me back...
by cedars 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Brings me back...
The overriding problem is not so much the pictures but what the accompanying, underlying message is giving out - the subtext - "this might be you if you don't do things 'God's' way." -AnnOMaly
I agree. And I also agree that these images in and of themselves did not scare me.
The pictures in the book are not the problem.
The BIBLE is the problem.
I mean, how can anyone draw pictures of the bible story at all without including the rapes, murders, genocides, death, destruction, earthquakes, pestilences etc?
Limit the visuals to Jebus feeding a few hungry folk only?
Put an R rating on the 'holy' book.
Put an R rating on the 'holy' book.
Good point. When I attempted to read the bible as a child, I was surprised at the strange sexual and violent stories, and I had no illustrations. Just reading the text brought gruesome images to my young mind.
Well aussie, kids nowadays have access to things horribly graphic; things like Saw, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, among others.
How much parents choose to disclose to kids is their own problem, and some see exposing kids to life's realities as a plus, as opposed to sheltering them in a little bubble.
Of course, Christians and JW's in general have a double standard, where they ward their kids of violent movies, yet have no problem teaching kids about the 10 plagues, or any of the other stories mentioned above.
To be honest, I viewed these stories like any other fantasy movie. God was always the Good Guy, Israel the chosen ppl, etc. You just grow out of it eventually, and learn to differentiate between fantasy and reality.
The pictures in the book are not the problem. The BIBLE is the problem.
If you want to keep taking steps backward in view you will see that it's our collective past decisions that's the problem. It was all of OUR ancestors that failed to stand up to Theological Tyranny. Things like the inquisition happened because of the strength of human mob and elitist mentalities. Evil has had Good in a vulnerable position for eons. We need to RECLAIM the Bible and place it in the Philosophical Hall of Fame, not call it bonafide history.
The stories in the Bible are not meant to be graphically depicted and used to guilt small children. They were written to safeguard ancient truth about ourselves and the world of which we live in, and have lived in.
Was I the only little boy who loved the violent pictures? It was the only way I got the good stuff
I can't recall where this story is at but it is about a man a woman fornicating and someone, maybe an angel of God, put a sword through the loins of the woman . anyone recall this horror story?
the picture of jezabel... the two men either side with their pseduo "concerned" faces could so easily be elders in modern day terms. i wonder how many elders would push to throw certain women out of windows? especailly the ones that refuse to conform to their rules?
Hey, steady on there highdose! You never know whether you might be giving the Society ideas for their next article on how elders should approach judicial matters with sisters!