Hey AGuest, I have to say (with respect)
Marriage Is but a religious ceremony, the western wedding ceremony being nothing more than pagan symbolism and legal beuracracy. The unmarried have a lot to say, and a lot of experience.
it's not Happy Days with 'Mr C' dishing out love advice, it's 2012 (ish) the religiously married don't have a monopoly on relationship advice. I'd argue for the couple that stay together for love, over the couple that stick it out for the paper work, law, religious beliefs or kids.
In the mosaic law men could leave foreign wives that did not satisfy them. I must have missed the verse....God hates a (non mixed race) divorce! Men also raped, kidnapped and took foreign women for wives by gods command in the old testament. Not a nice history the biblical marriage, let's not forget dowries .... "A cow for a wife!" used to be a deal not an insult.
So a little appreciation for those that have not partook in the religious ceremony of marriage ;)
However! You are totally right that single people are often shirtless...