Any actual Witnesses here?

by trthskr 236 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fernando

    trthskr, there are many here who understand exactly the "cognitive dissonance", fear and identity crisis you are experiencing in facing the truth. There are many here who can help, if and when you are ready to be brutally honest with yourself.

    trthskr: "They never stated that they are prophets." - a bald-faced lie, mindlessly repeating rs p. 136 par. 2 False Prophets.


  • diamondiiz


    You shouldn't be posting your photos here as your elders might recognize you and take your ham radios away. Otherwise nice hat, it totally suits you.

    ps. If you make those tin hats yourself, maybe add "Jehovah" on the front of it and you might have 7 million customers lining up to buy one.

  • poopsiecakes

    I got a PM too!

  • snare&racket

    If I was still in bethel and they asked me what would be a good strategy in combating forums just as this, I would say.

    'set up accounts and make threads that catch the eye of believers that are visiting such sites and get in early statements like "this is all lies and twisted truths" in a hope to make them leave the forum quickly. Now obviously a JW wouldnt do this so therefore the 'poster' must qualify that he is not a JW ..... However this person would say he has read all of th literature ank knows no one comes close to the JWs"

    And obviously they would have said "good idea"

    P.s see how snakey snakelike trthskr is, he said that this site was for JWs and that apostates hijacked it. This comment isn't for us, it's for interested ones and believers visiting the site. Best thing to do? Ignore the thread and let it bury itself by being boring.

  • bsmart


  • Morbidzbaby

    Aw I'm not speshul enough for a PM...

  • poopsiecakes

    I'm not speshul either, Morbidzbaby - just hateful and ignorant, apparently.

  • Morbidzbaby

    YAY! Hateful ignorance! LOL

  • Jeffro

    trthskr, your username suggests you're seeking 'truth'.

    In your JW 'truth', Babylon's king was 'called to account' in 539 BCE, and then two years later, a period of 70 years of Jewish exile ended. Sounds simple enough...

    But what does the Bible actually say? ...

    Read Jeremiah 25:8-11. Who does it say would serve Babylon for 70 years?

    Read Jeremiah 25:12. What order of events does it give?

    In your New World Translation, look at the cross-reference for Jeremiah 25:12, immediately following "I shall call to account against the king of Babylon and against that nation". It points to Daniel 5:26, 30.

    Read Daniel 5:25-31. When was Babylon's king called to account?

    (Hint: Daniel's Prophecy, page 51: "Daniel was present on the night of October 5/6, 539 B.C.E., when the Medo-Persian army took seemingly impregnable Babylon and executed King Belshazzar. With the death of Belshazzar, the golden head of the dream image—the Babylonian Empire—ceased to exist. ... Medo-Persia replaced the Babylonian Empire as dominant world power in 539 B.C.E.)

    If the point has not struck home yet, read Jeremiah 25:12. What order of events does it give?

    Unable at this point to avoid the simple logic, the JW mind at this point sometimes defers to more ambiguous scriptures, typically ignoring the context of Jeremiah 29:10 or distorting the application of 2 Chronicles 36:21. But to be valid, any interpretation of those scriptures must be consistent with the plain order of events given in Jeremiah 25:12.

  • exwhyzee
    I am not a Witness. have never been baptized. I just read their literature and no one even comes close to what they have.

    This reminds me of when Peter denied Jesus 3 times. At least when Peter denied who he really was, he didn't do it on an Apostate website.

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