Hi - I'm new here!

by Flicka 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Flicka

    Hi everyone.

    I have been lurking on this site for the past 2 months. For the past few years I have been going to the meetings and doing fieldservice out of guilt.

    My husband (Twisty) told me regularly I only do it out of guilt but I denied it and said it I want to do these things because I love Jehovah and it is the right thing to do, but how can it be the right thing if you don't feel welcome and it feels like everyone is judging you the moment you walk into the Kingdom Hall.

    It has taken a few years and a lot of tears to open my eyes.

    Over the past few years Twisty spoke to me about the various things he didn't agree with but it just went over my head. A few months ago we were lying in bed and he brought up his concerns again, and I'm not sure what was different this time but I understood and agreed with the points he was making.

    As a JW I never really read the Bible in order to understand it by myself but our discussions prompted me to start doing some research. I started with Matthew 24 and it was as clear as daylight to me that the faithful and discreet slave is just a parable and not a prophecy. This was the turning point for me.

    I attended my last convetion a few months ago and we have not been back to a meeting since then.

    Although it all sounds pretty simple it's not like you all know. I grew up being a JW and my whole family are still in. They are not very open minded and I'm not sure how to tell them I no longer believe the organization is Jehovahs' spirit anointed organization but I guess we all learn how to deal with it over time.


  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan


    Take things slow. Read a lot, do not make sharp moves with family still in.

    Congratulations on your waking up!


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx for sharing.

    You might want to consider a successful 'fade' in order to maintain relationships with your family. Me? I can't keep my mouth shut well enough for that - but some have done it well.

    Otherwise - welcome. Happy New Year to you - it's a great way to start it, eh?


  • Flicka

    Thanx for the welcome.

    I realized that being a witness you just go with the flow and that you never think for yourself and even if you read the publications it was just to say that you've read them.

    My husband and I are currently doing a lot of reading and trying to document what we are reading so when the day comes when my family has questions I can show them the answers from our research, which I think that is still very far in the future as I'm currently trying to avoid any questions from the family.

    It is definitely a great start to the new year!


  • cofty

    Welcome Flicka. 2012 is going to be an exciting time for you both. Wishing you a smooth landing.

  • Rocky_Girl

    Welcome! You are lucky to have your husband's support through what can be an emotional journey...

    looking forward to future posts!


  • Ding

    elcome, Flicka!

    If you want to do Bible reading without the WT, I recommend reading the books of Romans and Galatians first. You'll be surprised how different they are from the WT legalism. The key to the NT is Jesus, not the "right" present day organization.

    Be sure also to read Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz and Captives of a Concept by Don Cameron.

    A good website for checking out what the WTS has said that you may not otherwise know is www.jwfacts.com.

    This is also a good place to vent and chat. There's freedom here for people to investigate and to believe what they decide to believe.

    There are all sorts of religious and anti-religious views represented here, so don't assume that everyone here believes the same thing as they supposedly did as JWs. Ultimately, you are responsible for what you believe, not some "anointed" group at someone's headquarters.

  • james_woods


  • nugget

    Welcome to the board, I was in a similar situation and unsure how to approach my mother in the end I told her that I was concerned about some of the things I was reading and that I felt that the society seemed to have lost it's way.

    If you wish to maintain relationships it is very hard to do so if you are critical of the society in any way. Take your time before doing anything that may jeopardise your family relationships. You will know when you are ready for each step.

  • minimus

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