what could u list as negative things as being a jw/ex jw for example when u were growing up etc that still affext u now?
Cons of being a jehovah's witness
by raxxxx 20 Replies latest jw experiences
finally awake
not developing relationships with non-JW relatives. my kids barely know their cousins and have never met my father. of course, there is still time to build those relationships now that we are out. the other big negative to me is how we constantly put off doing things because we were so busy with meetings and service - it took us over a year to finish remodeling a bathroom and bedroom because we had so little time to work on it.
Crisis of Conscience
All work and no play - distributing literature.
Very rigid lifestyle, very pessimistic world view, way too much guilt which led me to internalize the view that nothing I did was ever good enough. Fear of people, sense of not fitting in with others, and lack of social skills.
I do not really get to fine tune my social skills I also become negative about everything and now I am least likely to really trust people and feel that all the things I was told to be true is now proven to be a lie.So I feel that really to quote George orwell " In a world of universal decit telling the truth is a revolutionary act" This proves in many aspects of our lives.
Things I hated related to being a unbaptised born-in jw associate:
Field service - I avoided like the plague.
TMS - My mother hounded me to death to join when I was a teen (I had reluctantly joined when I was younger and hated it with a passion) and I was somehow able to put that off.
Answering during the Sunday Watchtower study - being bugged and threatened about studying that simple rag only made me dig my heels in to not raise my hand to answer. Plus I got tired of the pinches, dirty looks, and sighes of disgust from my mother.
No Room For George
Plus I got tired of the pinches, dirty looks, and sighes of disgust from my mother.
You remind me of what my father has said for years about the way some JW parents go about raising their kids in the Da Troof. He always said, "Some parents raise their kids to hate the truth." I agree with you too in that I hate field service, hate commenting at meetings, hate assemblies, hate conventions, hate CO visits, ohhh hate the religion.
Most of what I hate about this religion is the outlook in life it provides. You're taught to devalue your current life while awaiting something that's been right around the corner for the past 100 years, matter fact over 2000 years if you put yourself in the shoes of some of the Bible authors. Funny how Paul's disposition in 1 Thess was it's right around the corner, to 2 Thess where he changed his tune to the need for endurance because it wasn't gonna happen anytime soon. He hated his life so bad he couldn't wait to die, and lately I feel the same way like bring it on.
Here we are 2000 years later still enduring with no end in sight. It's all bull shit. As a result you start to hate other people not only because you've been subtlely taught to do, but also because you envy them while they're living life. Being a JW is a lot like living and dying at the same time. The worst part is you even begin to hate yourself because you can't live up to the WT's expecations, and when you realize they've been conning you, you can't help but to hate yourself even more.
Fear,fear, fear.
Fear of parents
Fear of worldlies
fear of persecusion
fear of displeasing God
fear of apostates
fear of crowds
fear of separation
fear of disfellowshipping
fear of being alone
fear of armageddon
fear of growing old
fear of death
I think it is absolutely dangerous for children(unless) the child has a six sense and an amazing amount of courage to take risk, to not be caught up in this religion.
It can be a safe haven for some, but otherwise, dulls the mind thus hindering capable people, to very segmented and limited ways of thinking.
Don't get me wrong,..... there is not a JW parent that I know "NOW" that have children under the age of 10, where their plans aren't trying to further the child's education pass high school.
At the end of the day <==(A phrase that is often over used), no matter what walk of life, if you have parents that "GET IT", it makes it easier on the next generation.
The biggest Con to me is suppression of discovery, thinking, behavior,...down the list.
Becoming very Judgemental of others.