Cons of being a jehovah's witness

by raxxxx 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 3rdgen

    Yes jay88, The suppression of thought, feelings, behaviour, ie control: produces different pathology in different people. Another poster (can't remember who) said When an animal is put in a cage and regularly beaten, there are bacally 3 different reactions when the cage door opens:

    1: The animal will become angry, agressive, and bite

    2: The animal will flee

    3: The animal will be unable to fend for himself and will stay in the cage due to of fear of the outside.

    In my case, # 3 applies. It took many years for me to gain the courage to leave. The world is a scary place if you have spent your whole life in a cage Fear is keeping many in the Borg.

  • ziddina

    HA, ha!!!

    "CON" is the word for it, all right!!!

    Nothing like being the victim of a publishing cult/con job run by a corporation...

  • besunny

    Being judgmental and being judged,,,also being told I would never grow up in this system and now my kids are grown up and I'm 48,,I feel like I missed out on alot of things and it makes me mad,,,I've done alot of soul searching the last year about these things and more,,,,, funny little story,,last week I was helping my son deliver papers for his paper route,,and I was actually having anxiety going door to door hanging the papers on the door knobbs,after a few minutes I figured out it was from going out in service for all those years,,,that was the worst thing for me about being a Witness

  • enda75

    Not pursing an education because the end was coming. Having that 1914 & 1975 theory brainwashed in my head. Hoping I would die before the end so I would be resurrected to the paradise. Having an extreme fear of demons.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Being stuck in the past instead of recognizing that you could potentially shape your future in the positive, regardless of what happened to you previously.

  • enda75

    I should've paid closer attention to the thread--still effect us. I posted my childhood cons. I've been over all those fears for years. I've a wonderful JW mother but she didn't encourage education. The end was coming--but it was ok to get married and start a family. That was years ago, many changes since then. : )

  • Iamallcool

    jw kids are strongly encouraged not to play organized sports.

  • d

    Not being able to form my own beliefs now I am an atheist.Which is by my own doing.

  • WTWizard

    You don't get to make your own decisions. You have to consult a piece of littera-trash to make even the simplest decision.

    And, the cost. You waste all your time doing the deadest of works. You waste your money on gas, Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund donations, and field circus supplies. You forgo everything that makes you human. You have to develop a distaste for normally attractive things like flashing lights and different colors that stand for Christmas. Your choices of music are censored. You are stuck with people from the same religion. You can't try things out, make your mistakes, and learn from them or do the right thing and learn from that. And, if you later decide you want to do your own thinking because you are being run in circles, too bad.

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    people think your a freak!

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