Fair enough.
The patient needs the doctor and the doctor needs the patient.
The patient is the sufferer.
The doctor must be paid.
Where is the need for emotion in that transaction?
How was Adam, a non-suffering "perfect" person with a lovely provisional garden and a non-suffering "patient" to view Jehovah as a Doctor?
It was not until Adam was faced with a "wound" that he sought remedy. (Knowing right and wrong vs ignorance) (equality with God).
Here the introduction to JESUS is made in prophetic utterance (so say christians).
The disease afflicting humanity was introduced by the viral INFORMATION from Satan. (You won't surely die.) (He knows....)
Where does an EMOTIONAL CONNECTION enter in to this transaction? Doctor/patient?
The christian-greek scriptures INJECTS "love" as a MOTIVE into the relationship between Himself and the patient.
JESUS suffers FOR us out of LOVE.
Jehovah and the 10 Commandments tell us OBEY. It never uses the term: LOVE.
Jesus gives us 2 commandments both of which begin with LOVE.
JESUS loves and is, therefore, lovable.
JEHOVAH requires OBEDIENCE and is, therefore, FASCIST dictator. (Oh, yes: morally Good fascist dictator, okay?)
What Jews suffered when they OBEY was protection FROM the God Jehovah. They kept their slate clean of infractions and punishments. No heaven was promised as reward.
When Christians LOVE Jesus he takes no notice of their personal failings. He LOVES and rescues them from death.
Who offers the better relationship?
Jehovah's Witnesses cling to the Fascist Doctor whom you earn protection from by keeping your slate clean. The leaders reflect this austere quality of benign dictatorship.
Christians cling to the LOVING shepherd who ventures out to find them in their lost condition to embrace them and carry them home.
THIS IS THE RELATIONSHIP that has been offered in MODERN TIMES by, perhaps, a majority of mainstream churches. It is not historically consonant, but, it has been effective. This is the Jesus that has been for sale during our own lifetime.
This sort of Christianity makes the Watchtower Society want to puke.
The Watchtower Society uses Jesus as a necessary poster boy to soften their hard-edged Doctor-Patient view of true religion.
Make no mistake about it--if they LOVED Jesus they would be called Jesus Witnesses.
Their Jehovah reflects their own personality. Obey or pay the price.