A lot of the glaring distortions of common sense inherent in Jehovah's Witness mainstream thought flowed from the erratic Legalist mindset of
Judge Joe Rutherford .
Rutherford served for awhile as a Prosecutor in a District Attorney's office.
His view of "getting the job done" consisted of hammering away at an "enemy" with a litany of bullet points.
His theological mindset was hardly any different!
Look at the legal terms that seeped in to JW everyday parlance.
In Law there are Circuit courts and District courts.
In Watchtower religion there are Circuit assemblies and District assemblies.
In law courts there are summoned " witnesses " to provide testimony either to vindicate or rebutt claims.
In Watchtower religion Jehovah has " witnesses " who vindicate His holy name and go door to door to rebutt Christendom's "lies".
This legalist interpretive function was absorbed by the " Governing Body ".
Interestingly, the Governing Body did to Nathan Knorr what Rutherford did to Russell's Board of Directors and completely shut off Plenary Power.
In recent decades this Governing Body has done the same thing to rank and file members by pulling the plug on them as well.
The Governing Body has Plenary Power over other anointed and have defined themselves into an elite.
The Covenant Promises of the bible have been self-allocated leaving the rank and file to beg outside their gate, as it were, with obeisance and petitions for leniency.
This was done with such insidiously subtle finesse few are aware of the coup or when it took place. Guess when it happened?
1975 was the perfect diversionary tactic to wrest power away from the Director of the Society, the President, and vest it in the hands of
a committee. Fred Franz was taken by surprise and fought this transition inasmuch as he was in the catbird seat beside Knorr.
In an emotional speech given by Franz he proceeded to argue that there WAS NO GOVERNING BODY of plenary authority in Jerusalem!
Was a deal cut with Franz to keep quiet and ruffle no feathers?
Judge for yourselves the logic of elevating the man who engineered the most embarassing public failure since 1925 to the Presidency. Certainly since the publication of Fred Franz's so-called chronology chart he had been rigging a matchstick Rube Goldberg contraption to predict Armageddon.
I'm tossing this "out there" to see what your opinions might be.