The LEGAL mindset of Jehovah's Governing authority (Plenary Power)

by Terry 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Terry, great thread!

    I do not want to derail it in any way, but couldn't help noticing the year 1937 and the significant event of the "First blood bank on a large scale established at Cook County Hospital".

    Is this a positive or a negative development, according to WT teachings at that time? It is followed (separated by one entry) by the 1945 "The Watchtower exposed blood transfusion"

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    what book was that scanned by?

  • thetrueone

    Interesting perspective Terry

    Its always been a big part the JWS doctrinal theology to be a prosecuting witness against Christendom.

    Playing the role as the higher power as it were to show negligence or falsehood upon Christendom by

    using its own perjurious maligned tactics of conclusion.

    Certainly the Judge finally found his power that he so much sought for in the WTS. Corporation.

    The difference in character between Russell the subdued but diligent salesman and that of the stalwart

    ostentatious power seeking of Judge Rutherford can be observed.

    Religion really is a game of power, a game you can create yourself before playing it.

  • james_woods

    Well, perhaps it should be said that Russell had to create a few dead bodies along the way to get absolute control of the Watchtower too - among them his own wife.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I never noticed the link to the federal legal system before this thread. District and circuit assemblies just seemed to be random designations. Did Rutherford ever practice law for normal people? Did he have a specialty? I suspect his specialty was bitter litigation more than corporate/business law. He must be the victor and all else vanquished which is a juvenile form of legal practice to me.

    Also, most people called "judge" are judges. Justice of the peace does not count. Elected state judges might be termed "judge" but the real status is a federal judge appointed for life whose qualifications are superb.

    I wonder how he convinced people to call him "judge" since the title did not fit. Even if he were Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court, he should have no special status compared to this brothers in the faith. It may be nasty but I suspect that as general counsel he knew where the dead bodies were. One point I keep raising is that a NY State court should have had jurisdiction of his putsch of the Board of Director. 30 or 40 legal opinions by questionable securities experts don't resolve anything. I expect they all decided the matter in favor of their respective clients. The judge should have sought out a judge. Judicial resolution would prob. have been more inexpensive.

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    what book was that scanned by?

    The link to that image is

    I suspect that Terry got it from based on that URL. The book, based on the tail end of that URL, is probably " 1966 Life Everlasting In Freedom of the Sons of God 416 pages, produced in full-sized and pocket-sized hardcover editions [li]"


  • james_woods
    Did Rutherford ever practice law for normal people? Did he have a specialty? I suspect his specialty was bitter litigation more than corporate/business law. He must be the victor and all else vanquished which is a juvenile form of legal practice to me.

    As far as I can tell, Rutherford was never really a practising lawyer or a judge. He was very fond of the term "judge" but was never more than sort of a justice of the peace in temporary service.

    Remember - he had nothing really to do with all the supreme court cases - that was all left to Hayden Covington. Covington had his faults, but at least he was at one time in his life a real trial lawyer.

  • Paralipomenon

    If I recall, rutherford sat as a substitude judge for a single case. After that he insisted everyone refer to him as Judge.

    Much like a receiving an honorary doctorate and insisting people call you Doctor.

    Very full of himself.

  • Terry

    I do not want to derail it in any way, but couldn't help noticing the year 1937 and the significant event of the "First blood bank on a large scale established at Cook County Hospital".

    Is this a positive or a negative development, according to WT teachings at that time? It is followed (separated by one entry) by the 1945 "The Watchtower exposed blood transfusion"

    That is just Freddy being Freddy! Finding importance in shadows, motes and twinkling inklings of his imagination. That chart is obsessed with Blood Transfusions!

    The JW's only have to refrain from MURDER to obey the injunction in Acts because "abstain from blood" is quoted from the Noahide Laws which was for Gentiles. Abstain from BLOODshed.

  • james_woods
    That is just Freddy being Freddy! Finding importance in shadows, motes and twinkling inklings of his imagination. That chart is obsessed with Blood Transfusions!

    Rather amazing that they let this raving lunatic nearly shipwreck them in 1975 and still kept this doctrine of murder that he dreamed up - and they STILL made him president. (after creating the GB to keep him under control)

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