Question... Does an elder lose his privileges if his 18 year old son stops attending the KH?

by Alfred 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dozy

    As others have said , it kind of depends on various factors. I was in a BOE once who removed an elder because one of his children stopped going to meetings even though his 3 other children were pioneers and the "child" concerned was 18. This was in the days of the book study & some of the congregation were complaining that the group shouldn't be held in the brothers house (the youngster would be watching the tv upstairs.)The vote was tight - I voted against removal & the elder gave a passionate defence of his position. Sadly he just didn't have enough support - he had been an elder for over 20 years & in that time had made a few enemies on the BOE.

    Alternatively I know of an elder whose 2 children never became JWs & got into all sorts of mischief. He kept his position (as a COBOE) and his position was never threatened or even discussed. What helped him was the fact that he is quite a belligerant guy who is close to the CO & also a couple of the elders in his cong also are in a similar situation so there wasn't really any desire to delete him.

    Cedars is right when he said that in many congs it is taboo to bring up the subject of deleting an elder. It is also quite risky. An elder once tabled an item on an agenda on the low field service hours of a couple of our elders in an effort to delete them but ended up almost losing his privileges himself as the 2 elders used the "attack is the best form of defence" strategy. He admitted to me afterward that he wished he had never raised it as an issue.

    Incidentally Cedars - it is now the policy that if a child is going to uni / college that the elder's qualifications should automatically be considered by the BOE. I was at the meeting with the CO when it was discussed. There were a few threads about this a few years ago when this started.

    To be honest , I always thought myself that if I was in that position (child not attending), I would just resign. Most sensible elders would do that - jump before they might get pushed. I went on a shepherding call once on a single sister whose child was missing meetings & not wanting to go out on the ministry. The elder I was with had 3 children , all of whom had left the truth. The sister had no respect for him & actually got quite angry. It does become something of a farce when an elder whose children are DFd or were never baptised is counselling other younger ones and / or their parents or giving talks about bringing up a family "in the truth".

  • cedars
    Incidentally Cedars - it is now the policy that if a child is going to uni / college that the elder's qualifications should automatically be considered by the BOE. I was at the meeting with the CO when it was discussed. There were a few threads about this a few years ago when this started.

    That IS interesting. Was the letter published before or after the 2010 manual was released? I wouldn't mind seeing a PDF of it, as that's pretty damning evidence of the Society's approach to education. Even more so if it supercedes the material on deletion in the guidebook.


  • yourmomma

    in my last hall an elder who was a very nice man, and one of the few good elders was deleted because a couple elders on the body didnt like the fact that his pioneer 19 year old daughter was dating a 20 year old pioneer brother. in their opinion the daughter was "casually" dating, even though they had been doing the text book JW courtship for months. so they told this elder to forbid his daughter from dating this brother further or be deleted as an elder. he chose to be deleted, and he has never been the same. i doubt he'll ever leave because he has so much family in the organization, but its a sad situation. about 6 months later the daughter marrys the brother she was dating and they both still pioneer. so that is a situation in which an elder was removed for no real reason. just on the opinion of a couple elders. i do wonder if they wanted him out for some reason, but regardless just like being DF'd, you can be removed as an elder for any reason the body or a co comes up with.

    i was removed as a MS because i decided to not have my wedding in the kingdom hall because we wanted an outdoor wedding at a place that was special to my wife and i. which was a shock to me as the publications indicate that its a personal decision and its ok to not have the wedding in the hall.

    during the meeting, which almost felt like a judical comittee when i was given the choice, i stepped down and stated that "i dont play politics". a few months after everything the co came, and brought me in the back room and had me sign a deletion document which stated that i "stepped down after using poor judgement about the wedding", he then lectured me on not bringing the filth and much of the world into a JW wedding. this guy was a known tyrant, and i had a feeling if i would have argued with him, he may of DF'd me. so even though I had no fucking idea what the hell he was talking about with the "muck and filth" comment, i figured the elders just lied to him about why i stepped down. anyway, i signed the sheet, and that was the first "bell ringing" incident that helped me realized that this was a cult.

    i shortly after that moved to another congregation and the letter they sent must have had some crazy shit in it, cause this elder i was referring to in the first part of my post was friends with me, and he an another elder took me in the back and stated that they wanted to use me for privlages but were concerned that i would cause trouble. im not stupid, so i asked them if this has anything to do with the letter. they wouldnt tell me what was in the letter but i told them the whole story, and to my shock they believed me. like i said, this was a good guy, and he knew the elders from my old hall so he probably knew they were assholes as he used to be in that hall years ago.

    then like a year after all this he gets deleted and a few other step down, and the replacements were a bunch of assholes who started to rule with an iron fist. im glad it happened cause it helped me wake up, but this was like 5 years ago, and its gotten worse all around.

    whats it going to be like in 5 years? if you or your family dont comment at least 3 times a meeting you will be deleted? lol

  • DesirousOfChange

    Seems like all the posts tell of similar experiences. Unless there is something blatant and publicly known, it's really all political -- if you're well liked, you're safe -- if they want you out, your SOL.

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