Not that I have any intention of attending, but would somebody be so good as to post the date for the Memorial "celebration" this year?
by Quendi 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Not that I have any intention of attending, but would somebody be so good as to post the date for the Memorial "celebration" this year?
April 5, 2012
That is a Thursday evening, right before Easter this year. Nice to hope the boasting sessions normally held that evening get cancelled.
Of course, that usually means getting your boasting session moved to another night (one you normally have to work) so you have to ask for another night off for that and Thursday evening to reject Jesus.
If your congregation normally has meetings on Thursday,
these are to be switched to another day of the week if the
Kingdom Hall is available. If this is not possible and your
Service Meeting is affected, the parts that are particularly
applicable to your congregation may be incorporated into
another Service Meeting.
was in March 2012 KM
Likely to go over 12,000 partakers?
Thanks for the information. I was curious about the date since I don't read WTS publications at all if I can help it. You can't go by the phases of the moon since the WTS has its own way of calculating the date which isn't entirely consistent with astronomical data. The moon will be full on 6 April this year, as an example, but the WTS will hold its observance the night before. Ah, well!
I've been in touch with some inactive Witnesses who have decided they won't attend this year, either. Some of them are being pressured by active Witnesses to come to the "celebration". They have been very happy when I shared the scripture at 1 Corinthians 11:26 with them which shoots down the rationale for holding it. After all, since the WTS teaches that Christ arrived in 1914, its observance is a direct contravention to the Bible's statement on this.
Quendi has Passover (Pesach) listed this year as April 6-14 (Nissan 15-22)
Somebody's a day late and a dollar short
Christians have always paid deference to the Jews in the determining of the day of Passover. The date is calculated on the basis of some complex interpretive conclusions from certain crucial texts in the Pentateuch. This means that there has always been a difference of opinion over whether the Passover is to be celebrated on the night of 14 Nisan or the night of 15 Nisan.
Whereas the vast majority celebrate this on 15 Nisan, [April 6], there has been, for several centuries going back to about 120 AD, a group who believed this should be held on Nisan 14. These ones came to be known as quartodeciman believers [believers in the 14th day] and the controversy came to known as the Quartodecimanian Controversy.
While the debate has largely been resolved over the centuries in favour of 15 Nisan for the Passover, quartodecimanian believers have persisted in isolated pockets in some Middle Eastern Christian communities. When the Watchtower started, Russell, who received his once-a year observation of the Lord's Supper from his Adventist forbears such as George Storrs and others, was a regular 15 Nisan believer, and this continued into Rutherford's reign.
However, when Franz came on the scene, and rose to prominence as the chief theologian in the Watchtower stable, he soon showed himself to be a qurtrodeciman and in the late 1940s the date was moved forward one day.
Designs, someone is, indeed a day late. The JWs are so reflexively contrarian that they have convinced themselves that Jews have no freakin' idea when they ought to be celebrating Passover.
moggy lover, I believe you are mistaken about the nature of the controversy. The controversy is simply that, if you follow the lunar calendar, you wind up celebrating Easter on some day that is not Sunday. As a result, back in the day, you had churches in some areas still in preparation for Easter and observing fasts and so on, while other churches were already celebrating the great feast. It's a little confusing, so there was a controversy about it.
Sulla- so true, Blondie or somone probably has the old Watchtower where (Franz or somebody) explains how the Jews got it wrong
If JWs want an authentic Memorial it has to be done like Jesus did it. He used the Passover unleavened bread, Matzah, to insitute it. Now, just where could a JW find some Passover Matzah that had been blessed and used in a Passover meal? Could they find it a day early on Nissan 14? No they could not, they would have to wait until after sundown and Nissan 15 had begun and stop at some Jewish home on the way to the KH and get some Matzah (after it had been blessed) from them. No chance of that happening.