They found me! JWS called at long last

by Aussie Oz 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Guerilla theocratic warfare. ON a personal note, did you feel any agst dealing with them? I can be so calm in the moment but later, my emotions take a dip. Decades later, I am full of rage. Perhaps I project my feelings of rejection by relatives onto the present Witnesses. Several times in school I could have written on a JW related topic. I snubbed all attempts b/c my grades would suffer from a problem with neutrality and my sanity would be threatened.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    No angst during or after. at most wishing i had the precence of mind to mention a couple of other things.

    In the end though, it doesn't matter. If any of them are going to be 'seeded' any number of things would work i think, and if not, nothing i could have said will work.

    I will how ever, make a printed folder of stuff to show them if they ever come again...


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Sometimes less is more as JWs rely on distraction.... and you have something different for next time.

    If you get different Dubbies next time, they might end up comparing notes with these ones


  • finallysomepride

    Just had jdubs at my door, must have been an elder, as he asked if it's "alright to start calling again?"

    I replied "I have never said jdubs weren't allowed to call, but things may end in an arguement"

    so I had been put on the do not call list

    So any way I explained I am an exjdub,

    he asks "why did you leave? were you put off by one of the members?"

    I replied "no, it's mainly doctrine"

    he asked "what doctrine?"

    me "lots, to begin with, Jesus' return in 1873 & Armageddon predicted arrival in 1914, didn't come then predicted 1915, 1918, 1924, 1975"

    he "we have never said that" as he starts to walk away

    me " go & check your publications, especially the older ones, your KH will have them"

    & they both march off, couldn't get out quick enough LOL

    Shit they piss me off so much

  • punkofnice
    he "we have never said that" as he starts to walk away

    LOL . Oh, tut, tut. Theocratic warfare(TM) is engaged.

    they both march off, couldn't get out quick enough

    .......and there it is! Their minds switched off. They'll be congratulating each other on their 'courage like Jehu'(TM).


  • nugget

    you did great. It is interesting to see the doublespeak and general ignorance of the witnesses but quite frankly before we started to exit and look into unbiased information we were totally ignorant too and didn't realise it. I'd be surprised if you got a return visit.

  • flipper

    AUSSIE OZ- I think you did a great job in getting these JW's to think in reality type terms. They won't be able to easily dismiss what you said. Good job guy ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Fernando

    I look forward to being able to ask them to explain "legalism" and its opposite to me. It appears only once in the entire wt library - in an article that reads like a summary of Ray Franz' book "In Search of Christian Freedom".

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