Why Is It That Americans Here Never.....

by Englishman 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    slag off us Brits?

    I read all these posts (mainly by a couple of cuddly Norwegians) about how the US needs to get it's act together, then there's a flurry of ripostes, the occasional nasty dig, a few generalisations and then the whole thing peters out until some bright spark feels the urge to start off the mischief once again.

    Well, I’m sick and tired of belonging to a perfect race and living in a perfect country. The UK obviously has the best economy, the best soccer teams, the best monarchy, the best teeth, the best cuisine, the best weather, the best TV, the best armed forces, the best penal system, the best paranoids,, the best sex, the best everything.

    Hasn’t it?


    Truth exists;only falsehood has to be invented. -Georges Braque

  • ring

    Feeling leftout?

  • edster

    The Poms are the biggest wingers on earth. They've got the worst weather (pisses down every 8 seconds), the most boring cuisine (basically fish'n'chips) and the whole population is depressed and suffers from an acute inferior complex to us aussies, especially when it comes to sport.
    Winter Olympics so far
    Poms - 0 medals
    Aussies - 2 golds

    Cricket - can't remember the last time england won the ashes.

  • Englishman

    I agree that we are the best wingers. Just watch Ryan Giggs cross the ball from the left wing, no-one can match him as a winger.

    Now, when it comes to whingers.....!

    Hey, is that right that Aussie farmers visit the youth hostels every week looking for English lads doing their 12 month working stay because they work so much harder?


    Truth exists;only falsehood has to be invented. -Georges Braque

  • safe4kids


    The best teeth??!!! Surely, you jest. We've all seen Austin Powers; he had to go to Hollywood to get decent chompers...sheesh!

    BTW, is it true that British men have emotional circumcisions at birth?



  • COMF

    Why would it be the Americans stagging you off? It's the vikings' job to categorize entire nations.

  • BritBoy

    Mmmm reminds me of the joke:

    A Brit an Ozzy and a Souf Efriken (South African) are sitting in a bar in London. The Souf Efriken downs his pint, throws the glass into the air, pulls out a gun and shoots the glass! He says: "In Johenissburg we have so many glasses that we never have to drink out the same glass twice!"

    The Ozzy watching this downs his pint, throws the glass into the air, pulls out a gun and shoots the glass! He says: "S'truth mate, in Oz we have so much sand to make glass we NEVER drink out the same glass twice either!"

    The Brit takes this all in, finishes his pint, puts his glass down, pulls out a gun and shoots the Ozzy and the Souf Efriken. He says: "In Britain, we have so many BLOODY South Africans and Australians we NEVER have to drink with the same two twice!"

    Britty xx

    "My body is a Temple NOT an Amusement Park"

  • Englishman


    I have wonderful teeth. But, my generation all got an incredible start in life. Born just after the war, the government of the day insisted that all British kids be given a free, daily supply, of milk, Virol malt, cod-liver oil and orange juice. Most people of my age are very healthy because of the simplistic diet we had as kids plus all the vitamins. I see people in their 30's here who are not as healthy simply because they live on a snack type of diet, crisps, pop and coke.

    The dental thing is long gone, except for people on a poor diet who can't afford to see a dentist that is. I can't even bear to look at someone with poor teeth.

    Oh, yeah...you can just see me teef 'ere..:


    Truth exists;only falsehood has to be invented. -Georges Braque

  • Englishman

    Nice one, britboy!

    Truth exists;only falsehood has to be invented. -Georges Braque

  • Abaddon

    How come Australian's always whine about how whiney the English are?

    Talk about cooking utensils exchanging comments about each other's degree of carbonisation...

    I think it's a similar thing to the US thing; make one sideways comment about the Lucky Country (like how, even for politician's, they have a bad bunch who make up lies about refugees on boats throwing their children overboard), and the Australian's go potty.

    Honestly, this colonial inferiority is pathetic.

    How come when someone slags off Britain, the British normally join in?

    We are pathetic at most sports, even the ones we invented. We have a pathetic National Health Service, despite the fact we more-or-less had the first one. We have appalling politicians, despite the fact we've had a democracy for longer than most countries have been countries. We have a terrible train network, despite the fact we invented trains. We let nuclear bombs off in our colonies and refuse to pay for the damages. We own places like Gibraltar and The Falklands which obviously belong to other contries on a logical basis, by historical happenchance. We act like we are a world power when we are not any longer, nor have been in the memory of anyone still capable of moving without a Zimmer frame. We have nothing even approaching a national cusine. Our educational system is in crisis despite the fact we more-or-less invented the idea of educational systems. We have a terribly set-up welfare system, which is strange as we've had one of one description or another since the 18th C. Our climate makes 'Four Seasons In One Day' seem an appropriate National Anthem. We pretend we are not part of Europe. We reduce our foreign holiday resorts to shabby imitations of home. We have a history full of corruption and dispicable events (Opium War anyone?). We have a hereditry head-of-state. We have bearly got round to getting the aristocracy out of out upper chamber, and still have bishops there. We use a ridiculous first-part-the-post electoral system which ends up producing a succession of oppositional Houses of Parliments, with resultant tacking of policy with each new government, rather than progressing in a straight line through concensus. We've not adopted the Euro, mainly out of ignorance and pride. We have a reputation for being polite, but can be ruder than any other nationality even when we are being polite and you won't know. The older generations do tend to be emotially proscribed, more like they've had a carrot stuck up their arse than circumscion, not that I'd know what either was like. We are naturally lawless and disregard laws we think of as silly without scruple. I could go on. And it's a real talent to be so screwed up and be the 5th largest economy in the world!

    Oh, we produce the most succesful contemporary musicians per head of population than anywhere else in the world, and have done since 1963 almost every year. And English is a de-facto lingua franca which 50% of the world will speak by 2050, which means eventually the English conceit that everyone understands English is you speak slowly and loudly enough will eventually be true. So it's not all bad.

    But, you know what? I fucking love the place, so there!

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

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