Bizarre statement in April 2012 Awake

by dozy 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • InterestedOne

    cedars - Did you click on NRFG's link?

  • cedars

    Dozy, it's interesting that you should mention mexican footballers.

    I think you're forgeting that Mexico gave the world this man...

    Javier Hernandez

    ...and they are also world-renowned at producing truly terrible soap operas.


    [edit post: yes thanks InterestedOne, I did!]

  • tornapart

    Quote... "Either that or he'd had one too many tequilas."... LOL Cedars! (Another Brit.. hehe)

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    What's strange is that since most people have no idea who that writer is, so it doesn't reinforce their point at all. How is this person a authority on anything? Why not quote Weird Al, or G.W. Bush?

  • InterestedOne

    Maybe I'm missing something, but based on NRFG's link, I don't think we know who said it.

  • slimboyfat

    Maybe they are keeping the "famous Mexican author" anonymous because they don't want people writing to him questioning whether the Greatest Man book really is like the best book ever.

    Remember that scientist they quoted a few years ago as being impressed with their Creation book? He probably got a ton of letters not so politely asking him if he had lost his marbles and they don't want a repeat.

    Either that or they just completely made it up. I wouldn't put it past them.

    By the way I own more books than your local library - around 12,000 at the moment.

  • 2tone

    Slimboyfat is prolly right. Even more right that they probably made it up. If they use a author from said Germany then people more inclined to look up. Since they use a junk country like mexico nobody really cares what people say from that country anyway.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    2tone, really? I usually just let stuff that offends me slide, but you really are out of line. Mexico is not a "junk" country and Mexicans are not some lesser group of people unworthy of respect. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    2tone, you are just a bigoted ass with your statements.

  • cedars

    2tone, maybe a quick apology would be best. I'm sure you didn't mean that.


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