Bizarre statement in April 2012 Awake

by dozy 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 2tone

    ricky, no i think you have me all wrong

  • Azazel


    I just got out my copy of mankinds search for god book and had a squize for reference to similar christian religions to JW's.NOT A MENTION!

    they have not made mention of Adventism or Seventh day Adventists or the Christadelphians not even the Millerites! Just to be sure i searched the book in WT library for those organizations and no mention in MSG book. Omitted by accident? i think not!

    Funny that we never studied it? that would have meant looking up info to prepare for book study and who knows what we would have found! the truth more than likely.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Thanks BLONDIE, I knew that the MSG was never officially studied. Personally, I think I pokes too many logical holes in religion in general-- including JWS.

  • sooner7nc

    Robert Rodriguez- Another good director. He's Mex but maybe not from Mexico.

    Off Topic- As some of you know, my wife was born in Allende, Coahuila, Mexico in 1972. Mexican people in general are wonderful. Great culture, food, family values, etc. The country though...slightly shitty.

  • sooner7nc

    Damn, actually the whole post was off topic.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    That publication contains "old light" and should be disfellowshipped for apostacy!

    *** sl chap. 1 p. 7 par. 1 The Outlook After Sixty Years of World Distress ***

    HOW much more will the present generation of mankind have to take of this world distress that has plagued us since 1914 C.E.? How much more can we take of it without reaching the worst—the end of mankind? Quite a number of us have managed to reach seventy years of age or more. Fewer of us have attained to eighty years of age or more.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Where does an individual keep so many books? I'm also curious as to how organize your books.

    Columbia University has a vast library system with many millions of books. When I did research, however, I would find that what they meant was that at one point in time the university purchased a book, a student stole it, and it was never replaced. Actual books on hand were much lower. When a book was essential, I had to go to the NY Public Library Reference Room, where no books are ever allowed outside of the room.

    This story is so funny. Do brothers write this stuff with a straight face? You have to be very warped to write this stuff.

  • WTWizard

    Trouble is, though they are describing the Bible, they don't actually abide by it. Rather, they pick and choose how to interpret it so they can tyrannize a group of people. Seems that the Bible is more powerful in the hands of tyrants (the Quran, too) than it is in the hands of common people.

  • steve2

    No one's mentioned the fact that the book's title, Mankind's Search for God is an unashamedly flagrant rip-off of the title of Victor Frankl's seminal 1950s book Mankind's Search for Meaning.

    Now I'd have no hesitation in declaring that Frankl's book is worth more than a library of 90,000 scholarly books purely in terms of its compelling insights into human behavior in Nazi Germany's concentration camps during World War Two and its huge influence on disciplines such as Philosophy and Psychology..

  • DonutZ!

    2tone I believe you broke the second rule in the posting guidelines. "Inciting hatred on the basis of race..."

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