"All scripture? What is scripture? Do you know which parts? Because it was not the bible as we have it..." tec
Do you mean to tell me that you don't know where in the bible the bible itself is described that way??? It's in the new testament, I can tell you that much...
In fact, it's in 2nd Timothy 3: 16, 17....
But of course that's not the only place that the bible writers referred to the particuar book that THEY were writing at that particular time, as being of "divine" inspiration or as the "inalterable word of god"...
It would only make sense that each successive bible writer would lean upon the previously written books and incorporate any prophecies found in them into his current writing...
Amusingly, in spite of that, there are many glaring discrepancies in the bible - apparently bible writers didn't always have access to ALL of the previous books, or they were relying a bit too heavily upon that vaunted "spirit" and didn't feel the need to check what was written before they set pen to papyrus or vellum...
And as I said, the fact that the bible writers THEMSELVES were attempting to treat the bible as a cohesive whole, means that their own words condemn the bible as supposedly "whole", AND to be taken "literally"...
Which makes the discrepancies and inaccuracies within the bible, self-condemning.